{30} A Plea & A Verdict

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Eevee had refused to listen to what anyone had to say; mostly to Kid as he had been the one to drag her away from Stein and the rest. She wanted to stay, wanted to hear them arrive at a verdict; she wanted to hear them decide the date of her execution and wished they would grant her one last request, but Kid had dragged her out by the orders of Lord Death as a favor for Stein.

Now, after a couple of hours when the sun was beginning to set, Eevee sat silently near the cell she had been kept in. Her skin had been wiped clean by a washcloth Kid had produced out of nowhere, or it seemed like it had come out of nowhere. He had wanted her to be clean and had taken her to the women’s showers moments ago, but as soon as he had turned the knob to the shower Eevee had bolted out of the room.

Kid kept her out of that wing of the academy after that.

He made sure to wipe her hands, and arms, and lastly her face; making sure that he didn’t make skin contact because he wasn’t sure how she would react. At the moment, only Eevee’s legs were being perfectly wiped until they shone a pale color.

Kid was kneeling in front of Eevee with one of her feet in his hand as he cleaned it; it was the only skin to skin contact he had made when cleaning her. Eevee tilted her head slightly to the right, letting her bangs fall over her face as she studied Kid’s serious expression. She couldn’t understand why Kid was cleaning her, and she couldn’t understand why he was acting so calm when he knew she was most likely going to be executed.

Lord Death’s son, the words came to her mind, but not his name. Her eyes narrowed, her hand moving to her hair and fisting it in her hand as she bit the inside of her cheek. The images flashed though her mind rapidly, painfully, as she watched Kid carefully placing her foot down and taking the other.


His two weapons.

Curran . . . he was kneeling.

Kid had just finished when Eevee pulled her feet back, pushing her knees to her chest as she hugged them. Her eyes narrowed sharply at Kid, her mind flashing images of what had happened and why she had so furiously held on in that dark cell. He had been the one to take her weapon. He had been the last person she had wanted to see. Yet . . . he was the only person she had wanted to see.

He understood, Eevee could see it in his gold eyes that he understood what was currently going in her mind. She remembered her weapon kneeling in front of Kid as he aimed at his throat and head with his pistols. She remember Curran jumping to his feet, his back to Kid, and as he had tried to reach her . . . Kid had taken his life.

“I’m not apologizing.” Eevee glared at his words, but Kid’s glare would beat hers any day. “I am a Grim Reaper.”

She had not expected those words. She wasn’t sure what she was expecting him to say to her, but those words have never crossed her mind. What could she say? His words were the truth and one day or another . . . he would have taken Curran’s life.

“Why didn’t you take us both?” Eevee asked softly, her face buried in her knees to avoid his eyes. She could feel her eyes glazing over as she spoke, “I’m not supposed to be here without him . . . why didn’t you take me too?!”

It was silent, Eevee biting her bottom lip out of anger.

“You were supposed to take me, the witch, not him!” Eevee snapped, lifting her head from her knees and looking at him. Kid looked back at her calmly. “You could have helped him, could have cured him of his damn madness that I caused in him! Kid, I was the enemy not him . . . Curran—”

“Curran could not have been cured from his madness if I would have taken you instead!” Kid interrupted, pulling Eevee to her feet by the wrist and looking her in the eyes. “You knew him better than anyone, and he was a Shibusen student—Eevee, he would have given his own life for you, and not solely because you were his meister.”

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