{25} Sounding the Alarm

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* Came out faster than the last one, but not fast enough it feels X3 and I'm also starting school the 22 so I'll see how fast I can post these chapters.

** uh. . .a lot of Curran for those non-Curran fans XD


BlackStar was no pushover when it came to fighting and was strong enough to fling Eevee away from him without much of an effort with a single arm. It was not the first time these two top meisters of Shibusen had a fight, but it was the first time in which they fought without restraining themselves, with the absolute purpose on winning while permanently injuring the other.

There was no other way but land a hit that would damage the other opponent enough for one of them to get away or be taken away. In this case, BlackStar only needed to immobilize Eevee for him to be able to take her back, but in Eevee's case, she not only needed to immobilize BlackStar but would have to do a certain amount of damage to his body in order to keep him in that state.

'Stay calm,' Eevee heard Curran say to her as he took in slow, even breaths, 'and don't get maimed!'

What comforting words, Eevee thought, but she trusted her weapon and she knew that he wasn't one to encourage a fight against an opponent they couldn't stand up against. With the exception of Kid of course, though, they had been fairly close.

“I'm gonna cut off your damn legs so you won't ever think of running away from Death City again!” BlackStar surged forward with Tsubaki in hands ready to attack. “I'LL CUT OFF EVERY INCH OF YOU UNTIL YOU TELL ME WERE KID IS, YOU TRAITOR!”

Eevee keeps her facial expression blank, her exterior was composed and alert like it usually was when on a mission. Never ad she fought a friend on such serious terms before and she really hadn't expected for her first time to be with BlackStar. Even against Kid it had been slightly awkward on both of them and they hadn't been in full strength, but with BlackStar that was what was going to decided the match.

BlackStar was on her in seconds, Eevee simple dodging his forward attacks and defending against Tsubaki's chained-scythe form. She was standing her ground and using Curran as a shield against BlackStar until the weapon's chain was thrown around her. Eevee roundhouse kicked BlackStar in the side of the neck before jumping up and out of the chain loop he had wanted to catch her in.

He wasn't thinking straight, it seemed to Eevee. Most likely the idiot hadn't thought about how he was going to do things once he found her; how he would have to think of all the possibilities of her not being along once he found her. He hadn't even thought of the fact that she had been the one to take Kid when he himself couldn't even land a hit on the young Shinigami. Then it hit her: she had done what he had wanted to do since Kid entered the academy.

“He was bleeding out,” Eevee said as she blocked his attacks and walked backwards one step at a time when he charged at her. “Kid was suffering from blood loss when we fought and took him. I doubt that should count as a true defeat.”

'Eevee, shut the hell up!' Curran yelled at her.

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