{11} Drowning Emotions

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* To your right is Dahlia's weapon form as well as Pierre's weapon form. Thanks so much for the comments. I really enjoy reading them and this is a faster upload as a sorry for taking so long on the previous one. 

Question: Do you have any theories on why Curran acts the way he does towards Eevee or why he seems to hate Kid? Tell me what you think of Curran by leaving a comment.


The body isn't connected fully to the soul and vice versa; the soul can leave its host at any given moment if it pleases. How many empty shells are walking in Death City without their soul? How many are wanting to regain that lost soul? How many are refusing the entrance to the newly found soul that has left the body without meaning to? –

Eevee's half lit eyes were looking at the blackboard that had been scribbled with what she thought was a riddle of a sort. A riddle that she had seen so many time before when she spent her time in a lab table that made her jump at the cold feeling. She was lying face up with her arms beside her and without making any movements that would cause her to get scolded. The blackboard was at her feet and it was far easier for her to keep her eyes glued to that instead of looking at the scalpel that hovered over her every once in a while.

“Does that have an answer?” Eevee asked pointing a finger at the blackboard.

“Quit moving.” Stein slapped her hand with the scalpel. “How many time am I going to have to repeat myself?”

“Until I do what you say.” Eevee responded. “How long is it going to take this time? I want to go home already. I've better things to do today that to let you slice me open and sow me back up.”

Her professor grinned. “I haven't cut you open yet, but if you keep complaining of your schedule then I just might.”

Eevee went back to her doll state of not moving a muscle, but because she had to breath her stomach was still rising and falling. Stein laid his hand there for a second before beginning to write on her with a black marker. He never went threw with dissecting her, but he had drawn on her many lines that Eevee was sure that if he ever did it wouldn't take him a second to gut her.

“I need my guts today.” Eevee said when he turn his back on her. She raised her head to look down at her stomach. “This would back be a very cool original tattoo, but Kid would throw a fit if you only wrote on my left side.”

“So. . . your relationship has gotten to the level of shirt lifting.”

Eevee blushed scarlet. “No.”

“Then there's no reason for him to see your stomach.” An explosion sounded from where he was and Eevee quickly laid down before the exact same thing happened to her. “Also, does your answer signify that you are in a relationship with Kid?”

Eevee thought about it for a second. “No.”

Stein turned around and with his black marker started writing on her once again. Eevee didn't as much as flinch as he began to mark a line on the ends of her mouth or when he began to mark it with small lines that left her looking a sowed up doll. She gave him a look that said 'what the hell did you do that for', which just made him laugh.

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