{21} An Interesting History

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* I managed it, yays, another chapter for this week and a chapter filled with explanations (and mispelling too, maybe) what isn't in italics is what is going on in the present. Kid would be interrupting Curran through the story and that's why some of it isn't in italic. 

Side picture explained in the story, but I think you all now who he is :D

Vote and commet, please :3 I like reading interesting and creative comments lol


Everything about Eevee lead to her father Pierce and to her older brother Pierre that was the only link to the story of what happen when Eevee was born, to his mother that was never seen again, and the witch whose name no one every found out. Pierre had been old enough to remember what had been going on, though, his mind hadn't been developed enough to know what it meant. That wasn't surprising as many didn't understand what had happened.

As Pierre had told, Curran being the one he told this to, he was about three to four years of age when everything happened. He had been awake waiting for Santa Clause and for the many presents he asked for, which he wouldn't say what they were. His father left through the back door without making a sound, he remembered, and being the good boy that he was, Pierre followed after his father's shadow.

He had heard of the witch that lived in the high peaks of the mountains where the snow never melted, but he thought those stories were simply to keep kids home and away from the winter wonderland. As he followed his father higher and higher into the peaks of those mountain he found the storied to be true and the witch to be just as they always described her in those tales, with only one difference.

The woman was tall and thin, wearing a long white dress with a hood attached to it that covered her head. Long, straight, black hair came out of the hood and fell loosely around her shoulder and reached her to her stomach. Her skin was pale, as white as the snow that was all around them, and (Curran said this to be an exaggeration) Pierre could swear he saw her beating heart through that transparent skin.

Her lips were the color of ripe blueberries that had been made into jam. A strange blue color coded her mouth which could only mean she was wearing weird makeup. The color was odd, but it had been described so many times in the tales that he didn't found it shocking. What he had found shocking was a small bundled in a small stomach hammock (Pierre didn't know what it was) that was looped over around her neck and under her arms.

A small figure was inside the front of the hammock making the witch seem like she was pregnant when in reality the child was already outside of the stomach. Pierce stood at a distance, his eyes looking at the small bundle and pointing the sharp edge of his now weapon transformed arm towards the witch. Pierre didn't know what was going on or why his father chose this night to come after the witch after having so many days to do it, but he knew one thing; that child was either going to become an orphan, or die along with the mother.

“All this,” Kid asked Curran, “Pierre remembers all of this happening?”

“Eevee's his baby sister, so I guess her birth would stick on his mind forever. Especially because of who she was born to,” Curran answered before continuing to tell about the night Pierre met Eevee.

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