{16} A Party's Fun

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*So sorry, this should have been out Sunday, but things get complicated when your computer get computernapped -_-' oh wells, hopefully the next chapter won't take as long to post as this one did, but I do work on my chapters being longer when they're late. Enjoy :)


The music played to a fast beat rhythm. The records belong to Soul as Kid would always ask him for his selections for the parties he threw at Death Manor. Tables were set on the floor each holding full plate of food that were different depending on the guest's taste. Oddly enough, the guest were more focused on a couple near a larger table that held a small running fountain.

“Eevee's warmed up to Kid quiet a lot.” Liz stated as she looked at the couple.

Curran made a rude noise. “She's only hugging him like that because she thinks the fountain is going to attack her or something.”

“Still, she wouldn't have done that before.” Maka pointed out, laughing as Kid tried to show Eevee nothing was wrong with the fountain and had gotten bitten. “Eh, did she just bite him?”

“She'll do more than that if he keeps trying to get her near that thing. What was the point in this party anyway? There's nothing special going on and we still have missions to go to instead of relaxing with you lot.”

“No one's keeping you here, Curran,” Liz sneered at him with a smile, “Why don't you just leave? You can take those other two troublemakers with you.”

Curran glared at her before turning his attention to the leech-like Eevee using Kid as a shield against the fountain. Not far from her was Dahlia and Alicia whispering something to each other as they kept their eyes on Kid. He couldn't leave just yet, Curran thought, or those two idiots would get him and Eevee into trouble.

“I promised Eevee I would stay here as long as she needed me – ”

“She doesn't need you.” Liz grinned evilly at him. “Look, she has Kid with her. And if those two girls try something, well, he has me and Patty.”

Curran scoffed.

Eevee's arms were wrapped tightly around Kid as she peered over his left shoulder to keep her eyes on that water spitting monstrosity that should be kept outside and not on a fancy table. Kid was holding on to her only lightly, his arms resting on her waist as Eevee pressed close to him. She had no clue that she was the center of attention at the time and kept on holding to Kid tightly for human shield purposes.

“It's not going to attack you.” Eevee looked up so suddenly at Kid that in the proximity they were in would have made them kiss, but she managed to pull back just little. His heart was thumping.

“You don't know that.” Eevee whispered quietly as she took another peek over his shoulder. “Look at it. It's mocking me, threateningly to drown me.”

“I don't think that's possible.” Kid was trying to push her away, but her feet were firmly glued to the ground. “Maybe if you were a small mouse, but you're much to big to fit in that fountain. Unless you fall asleep with your face in the fountain, your chances of living are quite high.”

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