{28} Prelude to Execution

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** Not satisfied with this chapter, but I have many things to do and no time. Chapter's actually meant to be a bit confusing and distorted, but I fail at everything at the moment so I promise to make the next chapter better and less. . .tragic.


Pierre had been brutally tackled to the ground by his meiser, his face scrapping on the floor and cutting open his cheek, but that was not what had his eyes wide in shock. He shot at her; his mind raced and was soon shouting internally, he shot at her!

Pierre had thought that Kid would take Eevee’s side, try to speak some sense into her; for goodness sake, he wanted Kid to try anything but violence to bring her back to sanity! Yet he watched paralyzed as his weapons turn back into the smaller version pistols, Kid’s eyes glaring intensively at where Eevee had been seconds ago.

His chest heaved, pushing Louis off of him before moving to his knees and watched as the smoke cleared. Was she able to survive such a direct hit and come out without a serious injury? Pierre was very pessimistic about that idea, and the thought of her being dead was most prominent in his mind.

“Kid—” Louis had jumped forward, choked Pierre with an arm and placed his other hand over his mouth. In all the confusion, and the young shinigami momentarily distracted, Louis began to pull his weapon back towards the alley.

“Have you a mental affliction,” he hissed at Pierre, “There is no good result for our stay here. Not with your shrew of a little sister’s side and not the shinigami’s side. We need to put a great amount of distance between them and us!”

Pierre understood what Louis was saying, they were fair game to Shibusen and would no sooner get executed the moment they were caught, but he couldn’t leave. He’d used the Will o’ the Wisp to get that damn shinigami here to help her, and he’d used it with Eevee to save them time on tracking her down, but this was not what he had expected the outcome to be.

He was looking from the side of the building, Louis over his shoulder with an annoyed expression on his face. Kid stood up straight and walked ever so slowly towards the direction Eevee had been and where the smoke revealed nothing to be there. Maka maintain her distance, partially because her thoughts were that Kid would help Eevee, and partially because Soul was telling her to stay away from Eevee.

Kid arrived at a semi large crater, dust still flying around and not allowing him to see clearly as he jumped in. In the center, where he was heading to as the other meisters peeked from the edge, was a shadow hunched over, shoulders moving as if getting up or getting ready to attack. Kid stopped in his track, arms tense in case they attacked, but still not aiming at the figure.

A cough.

The sound of some coughing came from the moving form, and it was the sound of a young girl coughing in pain.


And they were all wrong when they had said her name. It was her coughing out the dust she had inhaled, but the shadow belonged to Curran who had changed into human form and covered Eevee’s body with his own before Kid’s attack had hit. He was now leaning over his semi-conscious meister in tatters, his mismatching eyes glaring at Kid with pure hatred.

“You won’t lay a finger on my meister,” he hissed in a low voice, lifting Eevee up to her feet as he stood.  One arm was wrapped around her waist, the other wrapped around her shoulders, making it seem as he were hugging Eevee as she leaned on him.

“So, is that all you learned in the academy?” Kid lifted his pistols, Curran’s eyes growing darker. “Put it to good practice . . . let her go.”

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