{Extra} You're in my Heart

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I promised, so, here ya go XD

Because some freaked out about the verdict and what happen to Eevee *cough*Curran's dead*cough*  for those who had not cought that. And I'm still feeling bad about that because I didn't know he had fans :( sorries.

Also, what do you guys think; Evee should have fallen for Curran and not Kid? I'm curious. I'll give ya a gift if y'all answer :)


                                                 From the first day I saw you,

                                                  Only time has passed by…

The smell was putrid and sickening and unbearable, and as the second ticked away slowly it spread to every inch of the room. There was no light but the small bulb dangling back and forth from above. The ticking of the clock hanging from the wall growing louder and louder until the sound blurred every other sense.

“I’ll say this out of experience; sitting there is not going to make this any easier.”

On the far corner of the room was a door with dark drapes hanging over it. Behind the dark drapes was another room, a far larger room, a room frozen completely by unnatural power. Every inch was covered in the solid, see-though, substance, every container pushed into the wall crystalized, and there is where the chocolate brown eyes where strain on.

“I suppose smoking is the answer?”

Hands fisted brown hair, feet tapping a rhythm on the drawer beneath the counter she sat on; her teeth clenched title as if her trouble would run away from her grimace. But of course, the thoughts were still there in her mind, ticking away with the beat of the clock as the seconds passed, and she kept trying to convince herself that there was no one else there but her. . .

And Stein, but that hardly mattered anymore.

“Will it ever go away?” she asked voice soft and weary.

“No, it won’t.” Stein answered. “You’ll spread the rest of your days suppressing the feeling . . . and you always have him by your side if you ever give in. Not a path I recommend after everything that’s happened.”

“. . . Can I have a cigarette?”

He chuckled, “I rather your lungs be clean when I cut them out, Eevee.”

Eevee let out a deep sigh, bring her hands down from her hair to have them rest on her crossed legs. Her feet had stopped tapping against the counter side and simply hung there as she looked over her shoulder at the crystalized room. Stein followed her eyes, taking out his cigarette from his mouth before he spoke.

“Get out of the laboratory if you’re going to be a nuisance,” he said sternly from his wheeled chair, “Two meisters with the same condition should not be left alone . . . especially not a man of science with a defenseless adolescent witch with a very, very, interesting soul.”

“Do us both a favor and go dissect yourself, professor,” Eevee said in an even voice as she jumped from the counter. “I should have said again as you’ve done so many times before.”

“I gave you permission to leave the lab, so why are you still standing there like a subject asking to be sliced open? Or is this your form of invitation to me poking around through the insides of your body?”

“Gross.” Eevee remarked as she headed for the front entrance, “I thought Spirit was the perverted one between the two of you, but I see he’s quite calm in comparison . . . far more predictable too.”

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