{23} The Double-Edged Sword

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* So, this chapter came out faster than the last, but still not back to my weekly uploads. Hopefully, seeing as the semester just ended, I will be able to work more on the story. Have no idea if the readers are liking where this story is headed, but I welcome suggestion and creative criticism :] want a chapter dedication, just ask X3


Kid was not surprised to have found Eevee at the Masquerade, but he was surprise to find her alone and without Curran. Her weapon had promised to be far gone with his meister hours ago, and yet here Eevee was in the wolf's den. What the hell was he thinking letting her come and where the hell had he gone after the meeting?!

No one saw her coming towards him, Kid noted, she was unnoticed by the other students and by their friends. Eevee was walking up the stairs slowly with her eyes watching him closely. Curran was carefully hidden inside her clothes where Kid would never be able to see him, and Eevee saw that it had worked. All Kid saw at the moment were her eyes filled with something that he had never seen before.

“Eevee,” he reached a hand to help her up from the last step, and Eevee took his hand without a second of hesitation, “You're not supposed to be here—”

“Why?” she asked, her voice being smothered by the masked. It was bothersome to have the mask fully cover her face, she couldn't speak clearly and would have to do so louder or get closer to Kid.


“I haven't seen him since this morning,” Eevee responded stepping closer to Kid. She needed to get out of sight, the top of the stairs being far to dangerous for them to talk. “I needed to speak with you, but I've been under lock and you haven't thought of visiting me once.”

Kid couldn't say that it was a misunderstanding and that he had actually been fighting the urge to visit her. It was weird to have been with her since they met, mostly him chasing after her, and he had wanted nothing more than to have her return to Shibusen, but that wasn't possible. Everything had gotten complicated because some people believed she was dangerous.

To him, Eevee looked just as dangerous as a fennec fox.

There was the constant thought at Shibusen about her being like Dahlia and Alicia and that she would soon betray the academy in order to create a death scythe faster. The offer had been made and though Eevee hadn't taken it, what guaranty did the academy have that she wouldn't change her mind later on? The fact that she was categories as a witch made things far worse and Kid couldn't simply think of her as just another normal student.

She was born to the enemy and raised by an ally turned to someone who was suspected of soon to commit treason. Madam Sabrina couldn't do anything alone, but that was why she had raised six children over the years. Three meisters with excellent skills in wielding their weapons, which brought back Curran to Kid's mind; where the hell was that guy when he was needed?

Eevee was looking at Kid, her hand still in his as he had not let go when she had reached the last step. It didn't bother her, the feel of his hand, because she had grown used to feeling the touch of his skin on hers. Also, it didn't bother her because she had been wanting to touch him since the very last time she had heard of him, when Curran had mentioned that Kid wanted to keep his distance from her.

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