{8} Madam Sabrina & The Girls

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Sorry I updated late again, but I had a friend's graduation to attend. Here the chapter y'all been asking for and I hope you enjoy reading it. If you have any suggestion please to hesitate to let me know; I like hearing others' ideas. *picture od Curran and the two girl >>> only they are older looking in the chaps. The pics are just to give y'all an idea    ~KooriAkuma


“This is awful. Just absolutely awful . . . . WHY IS THIS TEA CUP THIS WAY?!”

Eevee sat patiently on the wooden stool an inch beside Kid with her hands resting on her skirt turning slowly into fists as she tried her hardest to remain with that patience. They had been offered one cup of tea. One. That was all that was given to the two miesters due to the fact that they had trashed the Daruma room when Eevee had kicked in the door.

“We did knock,” Eevee told the woman. “But no one answered and we let ourselves in.”

The woman's smile was twitching as a vein promptly showed on her forehead. “I'm sure you did. But tell me, what on earth possessed you to kick in me door?”

The smile was still on the woman's face as she leaned forward to rest her head on her crossed fingers and watched Eevee closely. The young female meister blinked uncomfortably several times before turning her eyes away and looking to the floor. Kid was glaring at the cup on the small table and mumbling thing able the cup not being beautiful enough to exist in this world.

“Kid did it.” Eevee said.

“WHAT?! – ”

“It was his idea to kick in the door.” She told the woman and ignored Kid's intrution. “I tried to stop him, but him being a shinigami and all – he's Lord Death son, you know – there was nothing I could do, really. I apologize for him, Madam Sabrina.”

“I didn't do anything!” Kid snapped at Eevee. “It was you who kicked the door in. You also arranged the daruma dolls in such a horrible manner!”

“I don't know what he's talking about,” Eevee continued. “He's obviously insane, Madam, so please ignore his delusional ranting and open your ears to the truth. Kid kicked in the door, messed up the daruma dolls completely, and is now trying to blame me for his mess – ”

“You're a liar!”

“ – He also kidnapped me and refused to let be go back to Shibusen, unless I brought him to you. And here we are.”

. . . . .

“Tada.” Eevee lifted her arms in the air as if saying 'surprise', but it was hard to see with her mouth in a straight line.

Madam Sabrina, as Eevee had called her, was watching both meister argue; Eevee was silently arguing with Kid with her eyes while Kid was yelling out incoherent things she couldn't understand. Both could be easily confused for a couple having a lovers quarrel, but she kept that little detail to herself and smiled sweetly at the youngsters in front of her.

“Eevee, I know when you're lying through your teeth.” She laughed warmly as Eevee blushed when Kid took hold of her hand and pointed at Madam Sabrina and agreeing with her. “Ha ha, I'm so glad this boy is a meister and not a weapon. Curran would have trouble brewing his way if he was a weapon.”

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