{4} A Preposterous Proposal

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For all those who read this story and who waited patiently for this chapter. Sorry I don't upload quicker, but I tend to work on more than one story at a time. Well enjoy and let me know how you like it so far and what you think of it.     ~KooriAkuma


“What the hell is going on with those two?” Soul pointed towards Eevee and Kid who were a mere inch, if not less, away from each other. “Looks like they're going to eat each other.”

“Kid started this,” Liz explained, Patty pointing and laughing at the two Meisters in front of them. “Kid asked out Eevee on a date and she said yes. Sorta. Everything else came from there.”

“Still doesn't explain why they're staring each other down. And what the hell possessed Eevee to say yes to a date with Kid!?”

“Well, she didn't necessarily agreed to it at first,” Liz explained still watching her Meister fighting Eevee's hold on his face. “Eevee's first reaction was to punch him in the gut and then run away. She can run really fast, you know. It's kinda creepy how fast Kid found her after that. . . .he might be stalking her – ”

“Liz!” Maka brought her back from her thoughts. “What did Kid do to Eevee to make her say yes? Eevee hates people being too close to her and thinks dates are an excuse to waste her time. And she doesn't like Kid clinging on to her either. . .”

Hard to believe what she had just stated as Eevee had Kid's face in between both of her hands and was staring attentively into his eyes. Kid was in the same position as Eevee, holding her face in his hands and looking into her eyes. They weren't sure if either of the Meisters had blink after starting this staring contest of theirs.

“That's the cause of it.” Liz told her.

“What is?” Tsubaki asked.

Liz told them the story of how this strange staring contest between the two had come to be. The day before Kid, not surprising to any of them, had been following Eevee all though out the academy and had followed her all the way to the basketball court. Eevee was taking his chasing her very calmly and tried to ignore him completely hoping he would tire himself out and leave her alone.

Her attitude towards him did nothing of course and Kid continued to follow Eevee around and complimenting her about the smallest of things. He complimented the way she walked that reminded him of a model by how she balanced her weight on both feet equally. Eevee thought this had to be the stupidest of compliments anyone could possibly hear.

He was always waiting in every corner to jump on her when Eevee decided to run for it to see if she could lose him. As expected from the son of Lord Death, Kid was simply in another level that her as a Meister and Eevee could not out run him or try and fight him to see if she would win. Kid could easily pin her down and hold her there if he ever got his hands on her, but Eevee was hell bent on never letting that happen.

“Don't you understand the meaning of the words 'go' and 'away', Kid?” Eevee stopped abruptly and turn to face Kid. He crashed into her and Eevee simply shoved him to the floor. “Enough is enough. Please stop touching me so casually.”

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