{Alt./Ext. Ending} Shadows of Day

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Alt. - Alternative

Ext. - Extended

First things first; this is a DEATH THE KID fanfiction, did you really think the story would end with an odd number of chapters (counting the extra as one)? Kid would be so ashamed of you for having such asymmetrical thoughts.


Curran was laid out on a metal table for dissection when the sun had barely begun to light the skies. He looked amazingly alive. Rumbled, dark hair, features relaxed with long dark lashes caressing his cheeks, and his skin glowed with the light that shone from above. But all was an illusion, a trick from the eye of someone so desperately wanting to turn back time or force reality to be a dream; she would soon wake, and he would too.

Eevee looked down at her weapon under the dull light of the bulb, silently sleeping without a moving muscle as he had been the day she had first seen him after their separation. Her eyes moved over his body, down the front of his bare chest and down to the side of his ribcage, to where a strange tattoo marked his now dark skin.

Cherry Blossoms? Eevee questioned, she hadn’t even known he had gotten a tattoo.

She trailed her finger down his chest and to his side; wanting to mimic the actions she did when wanting to wake him, wishing hopelessly that he would smack her hand away like he had always done before. Stein still sat on his wheeled chair next to the counter and Eevee walked over with a dull expression, looking over his shoulder to see why he was taking his damn sweet time.

“I can’t seem to get my head on straight.” Stein twisted the screw on his head, pushing his feet against the counter to roll back into Eevee. “I give up . . . too tired.”

The computer screen flashed a blue before turning off completely; darkening the corner and leaving only Curran visible in the room. Stein was leaning back on his chair, head thrown back and looking at Eevee with a calm look she usually never received from him. He was asking a silent question, one he had been asking the moment both had walked into the crystalized room at the back.

Are you positive?

Eevee leaned away from Stein’s chair and went back to the sleeping Curran and stared at the dark hair covering his forehead that was still slightly damp and dripping after being defrosted. She’d seen him like this for so many hours starting from the past night; she relished the memory of when finally made her decision. Their last fight together, though not truly together. Stein knowing exactly what she wanted without her uttering a word; Curran.

With everything having been set and done, Eevee leaned forward, whispering softly, “Wake up,” against his ear. Goose bumps broke our along her skin and she leaned away slightly. “I’ll give up after this.”

“I never said this would be easy,” Stein twisted the screw on his head and moved back to his computer, “and you’re not the type to try something that’s challenging—or have patients for it.”

She mumbled, stretched her body across Curran, her cheek resting on his chest, and watched with shock as his eyelids slowly fluttered open.

Eevee lay across Curran’s chest as his eyes looked blindly at the above bulb without blinking. He didn’t speak a single word once he realized she was watching him, laying partially on him. He moved his hand slowly and rubbed his face before slowly pushing his body forward and forcing Eevee to stand straight.

“I just had a genius moment,” Stein’s word broke the magic Eevee was feeling in the moment and she gave him a quick glare. “Excuse me. We just had a genius moment.”

Curran was looking down at her when she returned her attention towards him. His dead eyes traced the edges of her face, moved up to stare at her lips for a minute, and then moved to catch her eyes in his. His lifeless eyes were uncanny, but Eevee let tears roll down her cheek as she knew he could see her, could tell who she was.

He hadn’t a clue where he was or what he was, but when he saw the tears glide down her face, he couldn’t care less on what was going on. His hands went to her face, cupping it in his hands and looking into her eyes before pulling her towards him. There was nothing gentle about the way he held her tightly against him. His hug was hard and desperate, hands gripping her body and pulling her against his own as if she couldn’t be close enough.

She was immediately lost in the feel of him, alive and hardly pressed against her; the honesty he offered that by no means contradicted what the letter he had written her said. Eevee was overwhelmed by her and Stein’s success, shaky to be feeling Curran’s arms wrapped around her tightly and he was barely waking from his weeks of permafrost sleep. Eevee slipped her arms around him, wanting to be smothered by him, loved by him.


Stein, having been trying to give them privacy by leaving his back to them, turned with a hand on the screw sticking out from his head. “Eh? What’s wrong?”

“Curran bit me.” Eevee answered, Curran slightly grinning as he refused to move from the curve of her neck and shoulder. “Did we really do this correctly—he looks nothing like Sid.”

“You mean did you defy all laws of nature, brought to life your love-struck weapon and try to remove my tattoo with sandpaper? Yes.”

Eevee buried her face in his chest and hugged him tighter that if he hadn’t the hard body of the dead she would have broken his spine. It was one thing watching a dead body move, a completely different thing hearing that dead body speak in the familiar tone of Curran’s lucid voice.

“You should lie back down.” Stein spoke from over his shoulder. “There were other methods used on you that were not used on Sid—Eevee, quit being a leech.”

“Listen to him,” Eevee pushed on him, though it was visible in her watery eyes that she didn’t want him to stop hugging her, “you look dead tired.”

Stein laughed from the corner, Eevee’s lips twitching as she tried to suppress a grin, but Curran could read her like a book. He leaned forward, pressing his forehead to hers as her arms wrapped around his neck and his around her waist.

“You miss me?”

“I’ve missed you.”


Second, a continuation of the first note, when you have the oppotunity to change someone into a zombie YOU ABSOLUTELY DO IT.

I love zombies and would gadly do a spin-off of Zombie Curran as a love interest of Eevee instead of Kid. Honestly, Kid can probably reproduce like Lord Death, with no female involved XD

So, yes, if I could I would totally write a short story for all our Curran (zombie) fans. Is it weird that I totally find the zombie image to the right hot? It is, well damn . . . I don't really care because he is lol

** Oh, and divide by four :) if you get it, I'll take a request.

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