{29} My Test Subject

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** I didn't want to leave you all hanging for a month after the last chapter, so here is this little 'short' chapter for you all. Spelling and grammar might be off, but I'll fix that when I have some free time (when not rushing on projects and testing) That aside, enjoy the chap and I'll be grateful for feedback :]

Vote and Comment :D [story is coming to an end, for those who haven't pieced it together]


Eevee Yule; it was a name which had a reputation to withhold. Though, that reputation was not at all held dear to the young brunette and she, for the first time in her life, absolutely hated it. The name was tied to her heritage, to her past ancestors that surely didn’t want her. How did she now this? Simple, Medusa was also of the same kind and had not bat an eyelash when it came to using her.

She wasn’t one of them; she was something that should have never truly existed, and now that existence was being debated several years later after her birth. In this dark place deep within the walls of Shibusen, Eevee sat silently on the cell’s corner, her body wrapped in thick, heavy chains used only to confine the movement of witches.

Her body was weak and bruised and scarred, even more so on her chest where that one old scar was burning.

Her mind was clear, as clear as a mind could be after being told of her crimes and being placed for a hearing minutes after she became conscious. After being chained like a monster and shoved into a dark, cold cavern with no light. After informing the capture of the weapon she held dear to her for so many years.

What was of him?

What of Curran?

It was for the best that she be kept in solitude, in this small, dark, freezing room where the weapon would not be able to reach her or her him. Now that she had her soul knitted together, because that is how it felt for her when Stein had introduced the other portion of her soul to the one she held in her chest, the one fully tainted and laughing and screaming for blood.

He had sewed the two soul portions back together; the madman had done such an excellent job that her tainted portion of soul could not infect the sane part of it.


Stein’s voice came from behind the large metallic door that incarcerated Eevee. After he had called out to her, Stein remained silent, his back leaning against the door and peeking inside the dark room through the small window blocked by a single, removable wooden plate. The candle light in the deserted hallways was not enough to illuminate Eevee, only giving enough light to show her bare feet being pulled back into the shadows.

“You’re not going to answer?” He asked, “Eevee, there’s only a handful that ask for a hearing on your case. Most of them aren’t being considered to have much experience with you outside the academy hours—you hardly spent time there as it was—and therefore aren’t being listened to properly.”

The sound of metal hitting cement sounded around the small room, Eevee’s toes coming into view only to be pulled back quickly. Stein stayed against the wall and kept as close a watch as he could on Eevee and how her body and mind would reacted to the introduction of her soul. She had been twitchy, unsettling, and always had a confused look in her eyes, as if she were always wondering where she was.

Only the first few hours after the insertion had she been going mad and trying to fight her way out of the restrains, but things relatively calmed down after the mention of Curran. Her soul, the tainted portion, was still connected to the boy in some way, or at least that was Stein’s theory. This theory only meant that Eevee could still be a threat to Shibusen, and that she had an ever great sway of magic than she did before because of the madness.

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