{27} Soul Removal

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 No maiming or killing me, please :]


It was happening to Eevee again, the blacking out though she had been clearly walking and searching something. Searching for someone most likely, but her mind was being replaced by mixtures of meaningless thoughts, or at least she thought them meaningless. Curran’s voice was a mumble in her head and kept repeating the same phrase that Eevee couldn’t understand.

Not enough. . .

Not enough. . . .

Not enough what? Eevee asked, but he would grow silent when her voice would mix in with his own. She could feel his wrapped around her tightly, a suffocating tightness, and she wanted nothing more than to pull away. But she couldn’t and she doubted she would ever pull away from this madden touch she had grown so used to because it had always been around her since birth.

Dahlia keeps her eyes on Eevee at all time and kept noticing that the brunette would often stop walking and hold her head. She would start walking again, but it was as if some else were moving her body and she kept wobbling to once side of the road. Alicia gave her weapon a questioning look, to which Dahlia answered with a shrug.

Both girls didn’t know that Eevee was losing her mind slowly but surely. Even Eevee didn’t understand that her weapon’s madness had spread itself far too much through her own mind and that it would be hard to separate her soul from his. Her soul had not only been tainted by his, but the madness had penetrated her soul so deep that it was pinning her down into the dark river that was her subconscious.

The night was quiet, the wind picking up trash from the floor and carrying to another location as the girls swatted them away from their faces. Eevee brown eyes were kept straight forward, narrowed on every moving shadow that caught her attention.

She could feel them. Eevee could feel Soul and Maka’s soul wavelength not far from them but could no longer be as accurate as she had been before all this. The small portion that was her soul was now blackened and her soul perception had diminished completely now and it was like having become blind. But it didn’t matter, she could hear Curran in her thought, because he was there and he had always fought without seeing the souls of other.

Your soul is the only one I need to see. . .

His thoughts were uncanny and frightening, but Eevee was no longer able to think straight of what his mumbling meant. She could feel them closer now; maybe even above them if she could still sense them correctly, but she couldn’t and when Maka attacked with her scythe, it was only because of Curran’s weapon instincts that they weren’t cut to ribbons.

“Eevee,” the threat was in Maka’s eyes and all she had to do to transmit the message was say, “Easy way or the hard way?”

She’s the next soul.

Before Eevee could comprehend what had just been said into her mind, her body surged forward and her hands pulled Curran from his sheath. The blades crashed against one another as the meisters sought a chase for the other to leave an opening. Each weapon moving in sync with the meisters, reading their every thoughts on how they were going to be moved, but Eevee’s movements were slightly more fluent, her mind and soul were far closer to her own weapon than that of Maka’s.

Eevee was far faster than the enemy Maka was used to, her speed rivaling Kid and BlackStar, but she had already known that. It was harder to fight her not because of her speed or strength, but because they had been friends and Maka didn’t want to hurt Eevee in any way. She wanted to make her realize what was going on, that she was being controlled by her weapon’s madness.

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