{7} Room of Darumas

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Sorry it was later than I had said I would have it posted, but here is chapter seven. I hope you enjoy it and I also hope you didn't have to wait long for it. Let me know what you think of it :)     ~KooriAkuma


They weren't speaking to each other and couldn't tolerate being in the same room. Eevee and Curran had gotten into a silent argument and refused to even look at each other. Both were staying at a different place as neither could find any place to rent for their own. The explanation of this was very simple and it had nothing to do with Eevee or Curran. In the mouth of every renter there was one name and one name only. Black Star.

The last flat, which was pointed out to be a miracle that Black Star had not trashed it yet, had only lasted a couple weeks. Maybe no more that a month and a half before it was flooded by Kid and they were kicked out into the streets with no return. Every flat owner knew the meister and weapon duo and every one of them knew the trouble they brought with them. That was what Kid's mid-day stroll with Eevee in Death City told him.

The day after that much walking both Eevee and Kid had settle back in Kid's room, but not for studies. They were only there for a couple of hours before they left into the city again and skipped their classes. Kid had asked Eevee for some help before they left for the cafe and she had agreed to it only if it counted off her hours of their date. It did, but she had not expected it to be, well, a 'real' date. Sort of. It had something to do with those ridiculous white lines on his head, which frankly Eevee actually liked on Kid.

With gloves on, paint in a foamy substance on a small table, and Kid sitting in a chair in front of her, Eevee started to dye the part of his hair that wasn't black. It was training, Kid had told her, so she would be able to touch him without fear of her head swooning or the faint feeling she got from physical contact. She had gotten better with that because of him, though it was only do to the fact that every time he saw her he was hell bent on choking her to death.

The only side effects she got from touching Kid now was a sudden rush of blood that flooded her face and made her blush uncontrollably. He liked that and made sure to point it out every time, but knew perfectly well not to push her limits. Eevee was running her fingers slowly through his hair and even though her face was already beat red, it didn't feel as bad as the first time. Once finished with the task and admiring her nice job on Kid's hair, they set out to the cafe.

Now Eevee sat in a small round table outside of the shop with Kid sitting in front of her. The side of her lips were pulled up slightly as she rested her head on her hands and studied Kid closely. His eyes burned with anger making the golden color even more gold than it usually were. Eevee couldn't help but look into those eyes with her own sparkling ones that shone with amusement.

“This isn't funny.” Kid told her as black liquid rolled down the side of his face. Eevee's smiled seemed to grow slightly at his words. “Stop smirking at this!”

“You never said anything about your hair not taking the dye.” Eevee responded and asked one of the maids for a wet cloth. “What a waste.”

“You're enjoying this too much.” He was still glaring at her.

“I have no fault in this.” she moved move to sit next to him once she had the wet cloth. “You should stop trying to take them out –– ”

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