{17} A Couple Maybe

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This chapter is dedicated to wolflover1818 because of the very creative way in which she lovelily pestered me for this update XD I loved reading your comments. They made my exam week actually fun.

Hope you all enjoy this chapter and some of you, not all, will be glad that there is 98.9% less Curran X3

If there is anything you want to know, please ask. I'm happy to answer your questions regarding this story. I also post drawings (not good drawing) on kooriakuma.deviantart.com.


Absolutely nothing had changed between Kid and Eevee, the others noticed. They were as weird and as insane as they were from before they met and before they supposedly got together. Even Eevee's relationship with Curran had gone back to what it used to be with the only difference that she was hardly seen with the older boy. Eevee could now be seen spending her time with Kid in the city, and if looked at more closely, she would usually be hand in hand with Kid.

No one could say for certain if the two were indeed going out and when they would ask Curran he would respond with “It isn't any of my business what my meister does”. Liz an Patty were of far more help since they wouldn't keep something like that to themselves, but the way they told it no one should know about them just yet. When asked why, the two weapons said it was because Kid asked them to keep it between them. Them meaning the rest of the gang, apparently.

The girls would stare at Eevee every chance they could in the academy as she began to sit next to Kid, Curran was always on her other side. Soul would say they would never get anything out of it, but Maka was sure there was a change in the way that Eevee reacted. She was more. . .normal looking and seemed to not want to separate from Kid.

Nothing was clear to them and they didn't dare ask or say something about it. Not even BlackStar made an advance on asking them, but that was mostly do because he thought that they were trying to steal his spotlight. Kid and Eevee would be the first to leave the academy and would leave their weapons behind. Curran no longer lingered around the academy and didn't seem to care that Kid always took Eevee once classes ended.

“This is weird.” Liz told the others, “Since when doesn't Curran throw a fit because Kid stole Eevee from him?”

“Does it matter?” Soul asked her, “He can't so anything about who Eevee decides to date. He's just her weapon and nothing more and should be focused on protecting her not giving her problems.”

Liz narrowed her eyes at him. “I'm doubting things.”

“Are you going to stalk them, sis?” Patty asked earning strange looks their way.

“I didn't stalk anyone!” Liz yelled at her. “I-it's like Soul said, a weapon has to look after her meister.” She blushed and looked away.

“I don't think Eevee's much danger to Kid,” Maka laughed nervously. “And Curran, well, he's seems not to really care about it anymore.”

No one seemed convinced about Curran's recent actions on leaving Eevee with Kid without a single word of protest, but they were far more curious about what Kid and Eevee did every day after school. They ended up doing what Liz had said she didn't do, followed them into city and found them in Deathbucks cafe with a large piece of paper spread out on the table.

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