{15} Have a Nice Dream

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Sorry this one took me a bit longer, but not as long as some of them are X3 thanks a lot for the comments and messages, you guys are so awesome! 6k! I'm so happy <3 Hope this chapter is to your liking and you enjoy it :3 for the vid, come one, I know y'all know that's our Death the Kid singing :D


Books were piled along the sides of tables, along the walls and floors, and in any solid place they would be left at by the students. It was always a mess in the library after an exam had been finished and a student who had been punished by the professors was forced to organize the place. As Kid walked into the the large, messy station, he made sure to keep as far away from Sid at the far end of the library.

It was a bit of a shock to the students on who was punished this time around because they had been sure it would have been BlackStar again, but it was Eevee who had been dragged away by Sid when classes had started. Kid had no chance to speak with her before because she had arrived late to the academy and so he was now looking for her in the piled up books that could cause an avalanche if anyone dared to make a louder sound than a whisper.

Eevee wasn't doing a great job on the getting the books in place, Kid thought as he walked by a tower of books that were ready too fall. She had been here since the morning and yet nothing seemed to have been moved from where they had been left. Except for a large amount of books that formed a large fort like structure at the farthest corner of the library where no one would go to. That was where he was headed to knowing well enough that Eevee must be inside it.

At the base of the book fort was a small window that had been opened by a book falling an a sleeping Eevee's face. Her body was laid out on her side, arms pulled up to her chest as well as her knees, and the book covered the top part of her face, but not her lips. She was very still and breathing in a slow rhythm that would make anyone believe she was dead, but a reaper knew better.

The books that made up the walls that surrounded her were all of the same subject; dreams, psychology, and souls. The was also a large, cream colored book in her arms close to her head and looked as if she were using it as a pillow. From what Kid could see, at the edge of the back of the back, was small letter that read; Excalibur.


The large book of Excalibur was thrown directly at his face, the force throwing back into a nearby pile of books while Eevee rubbed her eyes. She looked throw the opening of her book fort to see what had happen, but her mind was still a blur and half asleep as she looked at Kid with a book on top of his face and a very irritated look on his face. Eevee yawned and waved a 'hi' to Kid before curling back into a ball and closing her eyes to sleep.

“No! No! No!” the top books that were covering Eevee flew in every direction as Kid dug her out. “You're not supposed to sleep in a place like this! – not in that form either!”

Eevee swatted away his hands as he was trying to pick her up and kicked him on the shins when he managed to wrap his arms around her. She landed hard on the floor and made the last of the books fall all around her and some over her legs making enough noise to catch Sid's attention. Eevee quickly started to pick up books into her hands while shoving Kid to the side with her shoulder so they wouldn't be in the professor's line of sight.

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