{14} In her Mind

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To the right is a cute little Fennec Fox, it's the animal mentioned in an earlier chapter that Eevee wanted to touch. lol

Random question: Excalibur?


That night they arrived with Madam and were greeted by being shoved a side so she could get a better look at the girls. Like they all feared, the older girls got slapped across the face by the blonde woman and before she could turn on them, Curran dragged Eevee up the stairs along with Louis and Pierre. Madam didn't take long with them and Curran soon took them to Lord Death using Eevee's wounds as an excuse to leave her behind with Pierre and Louis. Pierre was left mainly to make sure Madam didn't do anything inappropriate towards Eevee while dressing her wounds.

It was when Curran came back and they went to bed that things started to get irritatingly strange and Eevee couldn't explain why. She was having a dream similar to what had happen to her when experimenting on Stein theory of the soul being able to leave the body. It was that same river, she knew it was the same one, and it was pulling her in no matter how hard she tried to run from it. The water was black in color and rushing towards nothingness. There was moments when she would scream and wonder if she was screaming loud enough to wake the boys, but the dream never ended.

The water kept pulling at her until she was forced to her knew, yet Eevee stood and tried her best to walk away from it as that was all that she could do. Her body covered in sweat, her skin as pale as death, and her heart threatening to burst by how fast it was beating. Then it happened, she was in the water even though she had been trying so hard to run from it. She had not been dragged in, Eevee had been shoved into the water by someone or something that had appeared in front of her for only a couple of seconds.

The river wasn't at all deep and was a simple ford where she had been shoved into, but the panic of the rushing water and knowing she was in it caused her to lose all thoughts. She was flailing her arms and legs around and trying to breathe under water though it was only possible for fish to do that. Her hands would reach out of the water only to find nothing to hold on to and went back to slapping around like they had a mind of their own. Not like Eevee could control them, she had no mind of her own at that moment.

Her mind cleared when her hand took hold of something under the water and held of for dear life as if began to pull her. It was another hand and it had wrapped itself around her wrist as hers did the same. Only then was her mind was able to think correctly and process the the ford wasn't deep and that something or someone was pulling her out. Half of her body having pulled out, Eevee was able to think straight and she jumped out of the river and ran further away from it than she had meant to.

She had landed panting on the person, because she was know able to think and feel the body correctly, and simply laid on them without really thinking much about it. It was only a dream, she thought, so her caution on touching anyone didn't play any role. She almost died in a river so touching someone, anyone, didn't seem a deadly threat. And then she looked up at the face of the person who had help her out.

It was Kid, again.


Her eyes blinked at the sun's rays shined into them and she groaned in pain hugging her right arm close to her body.

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