{18} Crush'd

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The soul can leave its host at any given moment if it pleases, and Curran believe his had just left him at that moment when he saw Eevee kissing Kid. He had heard that saying from Eevee after she had returned from one of professor Stein's 'extra credit' classes do to say. It had been that night when he had seen them and the night he had forced Eevee to move back into the Daruma shop with Madam. Did he regret it? Not after seeing what she had being doing that night, but it had been of no help it seemed.

He was perched on the ledge near the end of a secluded road on the back of apartments, looking down at where Eevee and Kid had managed to roll down without getting hurt. Curran had been watching as Pierre caught sight of them and, thinking he was going to attack Kid, almost went down himself, but Pierre had just tackled Eevee with a bone crushing hug. His poor meister was turning blue in the face do to the lack of air as Pierre yelled something about Kid defiling his little sister.

It was less nauseating to watch that show of affection than to see Kid's method of showing his, but it was still sickening to watch.

Eevee had bit down on Pierre's arm and shoved him back as she stood between him and Kid who seemed to be confused on what was going on with the two siblings, but it was nothing new to Curran. Those two's relationship was an odd one and through Pierre seemed to love his little sister, his little sister hated his guts for no reasons known to anyone.

Curran's mismatched eyes watched how Eevee defended Kid fiercely, not allowing Pierre to lock eyes with Lord Death's son. It had been a long while since he and Eevee did something together, go to the movies, get kick out off places, and even pick a fight with BlackStar and tell the other he had started it. In Eevee's eyes all that existed now was Kid and nothing else. Not ever the weapon she said she would turn into a death scythe whom was yet to train for weeks now.

He felt neglected.

Having been with Eevee all his life, or what seemed to be all his life, Curran didn't know how should he react to what was happening. A weapon and its meister were a team, the weapon protecting his meister with his life above everything which meant only one thing. A very strong bond between both mesiter and weapon. He had never thought that Eevee would like anyone or would like to spend her time with anyone other than him. She was his meister, went on missions with him, lived under the same roof as him, and had grown up with him.

He could still remember the day they had become partners. It was a day that he would never forget. Or should he rephrase that as a night he would never forget.

The night was starless with the only light coming from the moon to light the place Madam had taken them. A secluded place farthest to the edge of the city were a small river passed and then ended as the desert began. It was a small park like place with trees growing around the edges near the city to cover the view of those who didn't know where to look.

Curran was younger, much younger than he was when entering Shibusen. His hair was dark, messy, and filled with dirt and leaves. His face was almost the same color as a ghost, but with gray smuggest on his cheeks and forehead. His body was small, paper thin, weak with starvation, but his blue and green eyes held the strength to keep him alive and on his feet.

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