14. About a hashtag and a mechanical mouse

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Today, I decided to calmly walk down the stairs when I wake up. Not like me, you say? Well, I can be sensible and not scratch everyone. Mind blown.
It was quite the good idea, actually. Until Mom came upstairs and said:
"Good morning sunshine! Today, we are going in the forest close to our house, we will be staying there all day, so make sure you are well rested!"

I quickly checked if Mike or Felix were behind me. But no I was the only one in my basket. So does that mean Mom was talking to me? Surely not. She knows I need my sleep.

Or does she? If not, she'll get a taste of my claws. Sleep is necessary to my life. As is food.

So I told her in my usual manner, growling. And for once, she kinda understood.
"Ok, I know you want to sleep all day and stuff, but the family needs to do something together."

I growled a second time.
"Come on! Everyone wants you to come, even Mike!"
Yeah, right. That doghole probably wouldn't even realize if I was missing.

I growled a third time.
"Please? We will miss you!"
Well, I will miss my sleep.

I didn't growl this time because my throat was hurting from the previous growls, but I hissed.
She called for Dad.
"Come here! The Cat doesn't want to come in the forest!"

Dad stomped up the stairs and threw me into my carry basket. I didn't even have time to react. Thanks, game-that-says-it-will-improve-your-reactions-that-consists-of-catching-a-mechanical-mouse.

Mike gave me this game a long time ago. And since I still want to scratch Moms green shirt, I practiced with it. For a long time, every day I stood in front of the device and tried to catch the mouse that jumped everywhere. Once I did catch it, and it was disgusting and hard. Ew. That was the day when I stopped playing it.

We used the little metal room to get to the forest. You know what forests usually are? BORING. They are boring.

Except my Forest, of course. It never was boring, there were always butterflies to chase after, mice and birds to eat, foxes to set traps on. I miss it. I miss my friends, I miss Myrow...

No. I'm ok here. Maybe it's not the best place for a cat to live in, but I'm alright here. I don't need change. Cats don't need change. They need to stay where they are. I never reacted well to change.

Of course, we took Sweetie too. This Bum filled the whole metal room with his smell. He smells like...um like...I guess like...god...he smells like dog ok?! In my little carry basket right beside him, I was the one who had to smell it the most. It was disgusting. I wanted to sleep in my carry basket but the smell of this PoopFace kept me awake. Damn it.

When we came in, I saw a big rock. Yes, a big rock. Not special, you say? Well, it was.

Because I remember the same one in the Forest.

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