7. About a long listing and self-defense

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It all started with Mike complaining. About me. Again. Just because I scratched him on his leg. And it was self defense for cat's sake! He tripped over me and if you read my story about Josie, you know that tripping over me is a terrible mistake!

So he said to Mom and Dad "The cat is stupid! It scratched me on the leg! I hate it! I want a DOG! They're more nice! First of all, they don't scratch you. Second of all, they actually do something. Third of all, they become your friend. The cat just hates me. Fourth of all, they're intelligent and learn tricks. Fifth of all, Felix, my friend, has a dog and he's super nice. Sixth of all, I don't know. But dogs are way better that cats!"

This doesn't make sense! First of all, I'm not stupid. Second of all, I'm very nice. Third of all, do things all day. I breathe. I sleep. I walk. Fourth of all, I AM your friend. Fifth of all, I don't hate you. You're the one who hates me. Sixth of all, I'm smart. Seventh of all, I can learn tricks. Nobody teaches them to me. Eighth of all, who's Felix? Ninth of all, who's nice? The dog or Felix? Tenth of all, correction. Cats are way better than dogs.

But Dad and Mom only nodded and let the subject go.

But about two Suns later, I heard Mom and Dad talking. I had scratched Mom about a Sun ago, and she told Dad: "You know, I'm not sure if Mike is right. I like the cat, but maybe we need someone more entertaining for him, like a dog. I mean, the cat just sleeps all day!"

What the cat? Mom and Dad want to get a DOG, out of all animals? I mean, turtles are quiet, hamsters and guinea pigs are always scared, birds and mice are food and...I can't think of other animals. Oops.

I remember when a house, next to the Forest, with cats and humans, got a dog. It was very small and was really scared of us. How funny. Myrow was very scared of it too, so we played some tricks on them.

But still. A DOG?! I can't imagine Mom and Dad would get a DOG! That's so mean! I've never done anything to them!

Except scratching them. But it was self-defense.


the chapter is dedicated to MissMysteryGame, she's probably my favourite writer on Wattpad right now (so check her works out!!), and she's also a reader (and commenter) of the Life of a Cat :)

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