25. About athletics and needed memories

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The next day, Mike ran out of the house. Mom called after him "Mike! Don't forget we're coming with you!"

He slowly came back and waited for Mom and Dad to get ready, which, weirdly enough, didn't take them long. Usually, they take a lot of time and I don't know why. I don't need anything to get ready. I should be an example for them.

When they were finally ready, Mike quickly ran out. Mom got inside the moving metal room and Dad followed her. Mike took a bit longer, because he needed to put his bag in first. I had to come with them, so I walked out and sneaked inside the metal room. Dad almost saw me, but I slid under the padded chair Mike was sitting on and he looked past me. Learn from me, measly wanna-be Cat spies.

Suddenly, the metal room started to move. I didn't remember this from the last time, when we all went to get Sweetie. But maybe I just have bad memory.
No, I don't have bad memory. You don't remember well, ok? You agree with me and everything will be ok.

It started rattling. But Mike wasn't freaked out at all! I was so confused! Since no one reacted to the moving, it must be normal for metal rooms to move on command. Mom and Dad did not react at all either.

A short time later, we arrived at the building. I never saw it, but Mike seemed to know it. As the metal room stopped moving, he stepped out of it and waited for Mom and Dad to come out as well. They took a longer time to join him. Mom almost closed the door on me, but I managed to slip out right before she slammed the door shut.

We all waited together for Felix. Obviously, I could not wait out in the open since no one knew that I was there, but I hid in the shadows like a true Wild Cat and no one ever saw me with my awesome hiding skills, acquired from my days in the Forest.

A quite long time later, another male human joined us and the little group of little humans that had begun to form. He said that his name was Mr. Robertson. "Today, we will go pay a visit to the Animal Shelter of Summer Plains Town. It is used to raise awareness for animals in young children from the ages of 7 to 12 years. I hope you will all enjoy it."

Felix seemed very enthusiastic. I really wanted to go rub myself against his leg, but I couldn't. Mom and Dad would've sent me right back to the house. Mike said that Felix really likes animals. I like animals as well. But only birds and mice. Because I can eat them. I'm such a cruel person... ahem, Cat.

Then another moving metal room came up. A human was moving it, just by being inside it he could control it. If that's not some high CCQ (Cat Cleverness Quotient), I don't know what is.
Actually, I do know what is. My CCQ, that's what is.

Mr. Robertson told us to all go inside the metal room, which was of a whole different colour than Mom and Dad's moving room. All the little humans ran inside as quickly as possible, ignoring Mr. Robertson's cries to be organized, but I had to wait until everyone was inside. I almost missed the door slamming shut, but I gave all that I could and I made it inside.

Now, the human moving the room with the high CCQ level was, as I said before, quite clever. He almost laid an eye on me, which would have been disastrous. Just let me do my thing and move to darker shadows, people!* (see Author's Note)

I, again, used my always winning strategy of sliding under the seat. What I didn't know, is that the human had their human paws under the seat, and I bumped against them. The human screamed "What the hell is with the bus?! A RAT just bumped against my foot!"

Good thing he thought that I was a rat. Although it's quite bad. Do not consider me a rat. I'm a strong, aggressive, sarcastic Cat! Don't aggravate me! Or you will suffer the consequences!

What are the consequences, actually?

Um... I don't really know.

On that uncertain note, I'll leave you for now. Because under a seat, hiding in shadows, nothing really happens.

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