29. About finally used media and the shift key

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Mom, Dad, Mike and the Cat disappeared in a moving metal room. The Cat thought he was sneaky, but Cats aren't the only ones who are observant. I saw him, and I saw him very well. But he didn't see me. Now who's the sneaky one?

I actually, at the beginning, wanted to go after them. Who wants to stay home alone? Stuff could attack me! Rainbows and clouds don't protect dogs! But the metal room was faster than me and I couldn't keep up.

So I just waited. When dogs have to wait, they usually have three ways of passing the time. Number one is to look at the clouds and try to find familiar shapes in them. Number two is to try and find a double rainbow. A dog that finds a double rainbow will be blessed forever by the Dog Spirit. And number three is to flap one's ears to create wind.

Dogs really enjoy doing all these things, including me. I looked at the clouds and saw the Cat, myself, the Block, Zara, and much more. I tried to find a double rainbow but since I already saw one in my life, I didn't need another one, although I still looked for the happiness of doing it. I moved my ears around, and created wind for myself. It was pretty warm in the house, so that helped.

But at some point, even dogs using these strategies get bored. I guess the ones that invented these techniques didn't have a long time to wait.

So I went outside. And I used the window, because the door was closed. Weirdly enough, no one saw me and the window was open, so I didn't have to break it. I wouldn't have done it anyways, because I am a nice dog. I once knew mean dogs, that wouldn't have hesitated to break the window.

There was nothing outside. The clouds left, the rainbows did too, and my ears were too tired to flap. I felt really bored now, for one of the only times in my life. Usually, those techniques worked for the time that Mike, Mom and Dad were away. Besides, for all of these times, the Cat was there for entertainment.
I decided to human-watch. It's an activity that Wild Animals often do. It consists of hiding behind a bush or such, that's close to a path where humans walk, and try to find the weirdest looking human.

I saw a human that had fur on his face. He had A LOT of fur on his face. That was pretty weird.
Then I saw a human that walked almost like a dog. His front human paws were almost on the floor. Humans usually walk on their two hind paws, but this one was standing so strangely that his front paws almost helped him walking.

Apparently, the path in front of the house was not popular amongst humans because those two were the only weird humans I saw for a long time.

But then, right when I was thinking "oh well, maybe I should get back inside" I heard the moving metal room coming back. And I was kind of a mischievous dog right there. Because I decided to show the Cat that cats aren't the only sneaky animals. So I continued hiding in the bushes. Even when Mom called "Sweeeeeeeetie! We have something to show you!". Even when Dad screamed "SWEETIE! There's going to be consequences if you don't show up right now!" (for the record, there weren't any consequences). But when the Cat started meowing, I couldn't stand it anymore. The Cat is my friend after all.

I came out of the bush and came back in through the window. You can probably imagine what my surprise was when there was a little transport cage for cats but the Cat wasn't in it. It was another Cat, white with black paws. It was so cute!

Dad let the little Cat out of it's cage and asked: "Now, what shall we name this young lady?"

Mom said "Cutie is a pretty name and it would fit with Sweetie."
Mike said "Killer is a cool name. Maybe she'll be a really aggressive and dangerous cat."
Wasn't that the same name that he suggested for me?
Dad said "I think we should ask the Cat. He is of the same species as her. What should we name her, The Cat?"

The Cat meowed. More precisely, he said "Myrow."

"What a pretty name!" Mom said. "We'll definitely call her Myrow."

Now we have a new Cat called Myrow. That's so awesome! I just hope the Cat'll still want to play with me, but he'll probably want to because he's a fantastic Cat! I'm so excited! I hope we'll live through magnificent adventures with the Cat, myself, Felix, and Myrow!

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