20. About determination and burning fire

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You know what? I'm sick of always watching out for other people. Such as Mom, Dad, Mike, or Felix.
I will go. Not "I think I'll go". No, I WILL go. You'll see.

Do you remember what I told you about getting out of the house? Yes, that's right. First, rub yourself against Mom or Dad's leg. Second, meow loudly. Third, look sad.

So I rubbed myself against Dad's leg. He just said "Oh how cute! Finally, some affection marks from you! I've missed them!"
I kind of felt bad. Because I just used this to get outside. And because I just stole smoked salmon from the cold box.

Then I meowed. And looked sad. Dad: "Oh, poor you! Are you hungry? Here, I'll give you some smoked salmon."
Of course, there was no smoked salmon. Because I ate it all. Someone asks me if I'm hungry for good food for once and that one time, I ate the good food.

So I went sitting at the door and pointed outside with my paw. Maybe that's a better tactic. I should probably update my "Guide for Cats to Humans" to modern humans.
Apparently, it worked. Because Dad said: "Oh, you want to get outside? That's ok. Here you go." And he opened the door.

Wow. Ok. That was easy.
I actually didn't know what to do, because I expected a lot more resistance to my going outside. Usually, Dad never wants me to go outside because, weirdly enough, I need to get a bath after getting wet. I believe I already explained the irony of this in a previous story.

So I calmly walked away, waiting for Dad to close the door and to stop watching me. When he closed the door, I ran out of the gate humans use to close their gardens off and that they believe to be locked to anyone except themselves. Luckily, they are wrong. How does that feel? To be wrong for once?

I remembered the way to go with my astounding Cat memory. Cats have the best memory. My old best friend Mryoyow said he could remember the Sun he was born. But I don't believe him, he always was such a...human. Yes, that's the most insulting insult I know. Do you have a problem with that? I have claws and I'm not afraid to use them. Do you remember the Josie story?

I'm sorry, did I make you feel awkward there with your terrible memory?

I sure hope I did not. Hem hem. What was I saying?

So yeah. I have claws and I'm not afraid to use them, like I did on Josie.
But that kind of backfired, didn't it?

Um. Let's just all forget what I said. I'm confused today I guess.

I remembered a big plant, a cave, a tiny little tree, and a broken house. All those things indicated me the way to go.

So that is why I'm now standing outside of the Forest, trying to find the courage to go in.

What? A coward? You're calling me a coward?

Pff. You're a wet chicken then. Yes, I know this doesn't make sense to you. It's because you're too stupid.

Do you need some wet moss for that burn?

Didn't think so.

You're still calling me a coward? Well, I'll show you.

I'll walk into the Forest, with my head held high. I'll find my old friends. I'll find Myrow. And I'll find some way to stay with her.

I don't want to be separated from her ever again.

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