24. About grammar an' greed

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I did not know, at all, how to help my friends. I had no clue how to. Even though Mory annoyed me, the taken cats are still my friends. They are Wild Cats, like I am - no, was - and Wild Cats help each other. Myrow is my soon-to-be mate, I must help her. I will soon, if ever, make a promise to protect her in front of the Almighty Cat.

I know that me, as a little Cat, cannot do much. What are my qualities? I am pretty clever. I can come up with plans. But what do my plans do against humans the double of my size?

Not the double. The triple. Actually, the quadruple. Meh, no I'd say the quintuple. Maybe even the...what comes after?

What have I come to? Me, a popular Cat in the Wild Cat group, that everyone liked, would never come down to count how many times bigger a human is. I have claws! I have teeth! Sharp teeth! I...can wash myself with my tongue! I can beat a human anytime! Jeez.

My past experiences with you, dear reader, don't show that, do they? Um...well I guess those battles took place before you came up.

Well, since I am so small, I need help. What help could I get? I have the Wild Cats. But they're the ones I need to save.

I have Felix. But he is a small human. Mryoyow did say that they were tall humans. Felix probably can't do much against them.

I have Mike. Well, no. I don't have him, since he doesn't like me. It's better since Felix told Mike about my feelings, but still.

I have Mom and Dad, I guess. If only I could talk and explain to them.That's probably the first time a Wild Cat wished he could talk to humans, but yeah I'm unique like that. Did you know I was also the inventor of the Moss Bandage?

You didn't know?
That's probably because I'm not the inventor of the Moss Bandage. Bet you didn't see that coming.

Let's think realistically here. So...humans took these Cats in cages. Why would a human do that?
I guess...to give them to another human with something in exchange? What do they call that again? Money. To get money.
Ok. A human would take Cats for money. Where can he...sell these Cats?
In a house where they sell animals? A...store? I don't think there's any of these in the mass of houses. If you didn't know, this mass of houses is pretty small.
Where else do they have animals? Um...the Shelter where Mom and Dad got Sweetie?
God. Damn. It. I...I...I don't even know what to say. It has to be the Shelter. Else there's a problem. Why would humans take a rough 20 Cats with them?

I need to find a way to get Mom, Dad, Felix, and Mike to help me.

Just when I was thinking like this, Mike barged in the front door and screamed "DAAAAAD! I'M HOOOOOME!" which was really disrespectful. Don't disturb me while I'm thinking, goddammit. Especially since it's for life and death this time.

Mike pulled me out of my thinking trance for a few moments, so I decided to listen to what he had to tell Dad.

"Yeah so, the teacher said to me an' Felix an' the whole class that yeah we're like going to go, as a school trip, to a thing called the Animal Shelter. Like, tomorrow as well. I don't know which one it is. Felix is real excited, 'cause he loves animals. Also he's really scared that people kidnap animals out of the wild an' like, put them in cages an' treat them badly an' sell them for a lot of money. Can I go, Dad, please? I really wanna find out if the Animal Shelter treats animals badly. Please?"

"There is only one Animal Shelter in town, Mike. You should know that. It's the one we went to to get Sweetie. Well...buy, since he was one of the valuable animals, that they sell instead of just giving. And of course you can go! You know what? Mom and I are going to come as well, to help out your teacher Mr. Robertson."

"Yay Dad, thanks! But do you and Mom have to come? I'm okay without you, you know."

"Of course we're coming! It's our turn to help out. Don't you know that your school makes parents take turns for accompanying outings?"

"Well...I guess I didn't know that."

"Well Mike, that's fantastic! I'm looking forward to tomorrow."

Did Mike just say what I think he said? He is going to the Shelter? With Dad? And Mom? And Felix?
I'm so awesome! I just got all of them to go to the Shelter at the same time! I'm such a hero! Give me a plaque! With my name on it!
I'm a fantastic person!
Um...Cat, I guess.

Well, between today and tomorrow there's a night. Entertaining for me because I love sleeping, and boring for you because you'd just have a blank page. So I'll come back when I wake up.

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