19. About a shark and the world of realization

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I sat in my basket. I was bored. I didn't want to eat, I didn't want to sleep. I wanted to fight with Sweetie.
Maybe that PoopFace is actually useful.

Then the bell rang. It's next to the entrance of the house. Normally, I hate it when the bell rings. It's the sign that I have to be nice and not fight with anyone because visitors are coming. Sometimes, a human comes and leaves little pieces of paper that Mom and Dad open and then make a worried face. Wonder why. Sometimes they are happy too, so that's good.

Mom opened the door. And there was Felix. With a dog carrier.
Is he bringing Sweetie back?

Mom and Dad said "Hello!"
Mike said "Haiiiiiiiiiii!"
I meowed.
Sweetie barked.

Felix said "Greetings."
I never heard that before. Is that some kind of little human slang?

I did miss Sweetie. So I jumped on the carrier.
Then I realized it was really bad for my reputation to be friends with a dog. So I jumped back down.
Then I realized I didn't have friends. All my friends are back in the Forest.
Then I realized I needed to practice being cool for them.
Then I realized I didn't care what they thought.
So I greeted Sweetie and Felix.

As I told you, I missed Sweetie for THE ONE AND ONLY REASON that he's the only one I can really fight with. Mike is too small and Mom and Dad tap my head whenever I fight with him and he gets water out of his eyes. Mom and Dad are too strong. Felix is too nice.
Um...yeah. Mrow is nothing. He's just annoying. But not annoying to the point that I want to fight him.

But you know what Sweetie did when I wanted to fight with him?
He went. In his basket. And slept. For the whole day.

That's really something to bring a man's mood down.
How obnoxious.

So I decided to just go into my basket, with the more comfy pillow, and to sulk for the rest of the day. Silly little me...um no. I'm not silly.
Ehm... So yeah, I thought that the Sun was halfway down. And that SunDown would come soon. But nah, apparently the Sun was halfway up only. Do you realize what this means?

Do you, dear reader?

I bet you don't. Because you are a human. You don't know what it feels like to be trapped in your pride.

But being trapped in my pride and in my basket without anything to do, I had to think about something. And conveniently, I had my old friends on my mind.

Should I go visit them?
Or better... Should I go back to the Forest and try to find them?
Or even better... Should I run away like Sweetie did, go back to the Forest and try to find them?

Mom, Dad, and Mike are just getting over Sweeties escape. So maybe I shouldn't go.
But then again, I won't take long. I'll just check if they are still there.

I think I'll go.
No, I won't.
I'll just go for it. You only live once, right? If I never find out if they are waiting for me until I die, I'll never know.
But I don't want to shock Mike.
Felix won't be there to rescue me if I need help.

But I want to find out. What if they were captured? What if they need my help?

I...I think I'll just go.

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