11. About sparkles and rainbows

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This morning, I woke up in my beautiful little basket with one beautiful sparkly pillow and first I saw the sky. The sky was so blue! It was amazing and there was even a little cloud!

I walked into the main room and Mom told me "Here Sweetie, your bowl." Isn't this family nice? I love them so much! They offer me a bed, food, and a roof to live under! I feel very lucky to have a family like this. The animals who live in the Block, where I came from, are very sad because they don't have a family. I was sad too.

Anyway, then I saw the Cat. He hissed at me. He is probably still a little shy, because I'm so new in this house. I licked him to express my friendly love towards him. Weirdly enough, he scratched me. It wasn't too bad, but Dad came running and scolded the Cat. Poor Cat. I'm sure he didn't mean to scratch me, he isn't mean.

I tried to tell Dad that it wasn't the Cat's fault by barking, but he only said "Yes I know it hurts, Sweetie. Mom is coming with a Band-Aid."

See, they even offer me medical attention. You must admit, they are very nice. I mean, the humans at the Block never gave us anything more than they needed to for us to stay alive. I don't like to think about death, but in the Block, I had to. It was always so close.

The humans at the Block just gave us a flat basket with no sparkly pillow, disgusting hard food, and shoved us out the door whenever they could.

I don't like to call things disgusting. To me, everything is important. But those things deserved those words. Definitely.

Then the Cat jumped behind me, swiped his paw above my ear, and almost stepped on my tail. The Cat wants to play with me! I'm so happy, he finally wants to be my friend! I tried the licking again, but he hissed at me. Maybe he just isn't ready for that. It's ok, the Cat, I'll wait.

After the eating, Dad decided it would be time for all of us to go outside. Dad and Mom are the kind of humans who believes that everyone should be included in everything. Mom wanted all of us to play Hop Scotch. Sadly, the Cat hid as soon as she said that word. Does he have bad experiences with the game?

Mom still made him play, but when he started to take the stone in his mouth, walk to the first square, put the stone down, put the stone back in his mouth, and walk all the way to the end of the pattern Mom drew on the ground, Dad decided he should stop.

Kind of sad, I'm sure the Cat would have loved to play another round. He hid it pretty well, though, I must say.

We all went back home and nothing happened. Mom saw some clouds and told everyone that the rain was coming. It was, too. We made it home barely in time, in the second we entered our beautiful door (I'm so glad we have a door. There are probably a lot of animals and humans out there that don't have a door, and not even a house. I can't help thinking I'm very lucky) it started raining.

Mike started to yowl in a human form and said "No! I want to go to my football game! Ugh, I hate the rain!"

I don't know what a football game is, it's probably something amazing.

Personally, I love the rain! It gives water! My mother used to say that we needed the rain because the grass needs water, and the other animals need water, and humans need water, and the earth needs water and then it smells good, and we need water most of all!

And then, a RAINBOW appeared and illuminated the world. A rainbow is pretty much the best thing that can happen to you. It's so beautiful! You can't even describe it, it just gives the world light. Everyone is happier around a rainbow.

Seriously, I don't get why people hate the world so much. I love it. A lot.


This chapter is for _Ahna_ because she has written a wonderful story called The Fates and I would definitely recommend the book for you to read, if you haven't already!

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