Author's Note: About a pretty cliche ending

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This is an author's note. Don't get confused by the title.

So yeah, the story's finished... :"(
I really hope you all enjoyed it, even though it kind of changed it's direction after a bit.
I honestly still cannot believe that I've just written and published the last chapter.

I won't do a sequel. Because the ending is just perfect right now (for me at least) even though it's pretty cliche and in a sequel, I would have to make something catastrophic happen to #Meow and I don't want that. So that's that.

I have a question for you guys: Should I recategorize The Life of a Cat? Because yes, the beginning is quite humorous, but then it kind of get adventure/romance-ey.

This chapter is basically there for you to spill your opinions. I know that the beginning chapters need major editing. I always spelled Myrow wrong as well. XD

I'll probably write a few extra scenes, that'll be plainly humour. Like at the beginning.

If you can't get enough of the Cat, Legc9914 is writing a sequel/kind of fanfiction to the Life of a Cat, called the Life of a Dog. I would really appreciate it if you could go check that out. ^.^

I'm probably going to focus a lot more on my book reviews now, and on Love is a battlefield, a medieval romance story that I'm writing with LaskaLonard . I might even start a new story on my own, but yeah I'm probably going to not be inspired and stuff like that.

If you felt like listening to the music even though the story's finished, it's Grieg's In the Hall of the Mountain King. That crescendo though. :D

Enjoy your food, your sleep, and your Wattpadding,

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