26. About poverty and minions

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When we arrived at the Shelter, Mr. Robertson said (very loudly by the way, and he stood right next to me so he almost exploded my poor poor ears): "Now, class, we have arrived. I would really appreciate all of you if you would step out of the school bus calmly, silently, and in an organized way."

Of course, no one listened to him, since he's just a human. That probably wasn't the reason, but whatever, one can always hold hope.
They all just ran out of the metal room (apparently it's called a "bus" but it's a metal room, not a bus, ok?) and chatted while doing so.

"D'you know what the guy Felix said this morning?"
"Did you hear that Matt has a girlfriend now?"
"You know what? Mari is together with Matt! I ship them so badly, oh my gosh!"
"Hey, d'you see the rat over there?"
"Yeah, it ran over there!"

In case you're wondering, the rat was me. What a despicable insult.

I wish people would respect the genius of Cats more.

Mr. Robertson interrupted everyone by screaming.

Everyone shut their jaws instantly. I should've thought of that when I was talking to Mory. Just scream at them, everything will be alright.

"Please, let's all organize. Someone will come to greet us in a few moments."
And sure enough, a human stepped out of the Shelter. When he/she came close, I realized it was a female.
When she came even closer, I realized she was wearing those hard blue fabric things.
When she was so close that I could almost touch her, I realized it was Zara.

"Well, hello there everyone! The Animal Shelter of Summer Plains is very happy to greet you here! You'll see animals of all kinds, and remember, they are all very well treated!"

Felix looked at Mike skeptically. Mike just shrugged.

"Now, let's all go inside."

Everyone shuffled their feet and moved inside. I had to stay behind everyone. We saw these metal things - cages, Mory said - with animals in them. Cats, dogs, birds (I wanted to jump at them but then realized I had to stay hidden), stuff like that. I suspected that they were badly treated. Now I just had to get Mike, Felix, Mom, and Dad to realize it.

"Does anyone here have questions?"

Felix raised his hand.

"That's right, Felix. What's your question?"

"Are the dimensions of these cages conform to the rules of the Security For Lost and Saved Animals (SFLSA)?"
He was getting suspicious. I needed to keep him that way.

"Of course they are!"

"Can I believe you?"
Felix was getting on Zara's nerves.

"Of course you can! I'm an adult, I cannot lie!"
Zara was getting on everyone's nerves right now. I could feel it. If you didn't know, Cats instantly know when someone's annoyed. If it's a nice Cat you're dealing with, it'll stop annoying you. That's partly why people like having Cats as a pet. If it's a rude Cat, it'll continue annoying you.

Now Mom cut in.
"Um...adults are technically still capable of lying."

"Yes, but I do not lie!" Zara said joyfully.

Dad said "Just for reassurance for our friend Felix here, I'll measure it. The rules of the SFLSA are that a cage where animals are sold must be at least 2m by 1m."

He used a human device, made out of a long ribbon with human writing on it, to measure the cage.

"It's exactly 2m by 1m."

Felix breathed out. But there was also a second breath in the mix, and I strongly suspect it was Zara's.

Mr. Robertson obviously wanted to regain authority, so he interrupted the breathing.
"I believe we should move on now. Let's have a look at the pricey animals, the ones that you sell."

We walked over, where more humans were working. A human screamed out loud.

"Zara, no don't bring them here! We're not finished!"

"What...what do you mean you're not finished?" Dad asked.

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