17. About too many guesses and a red circle

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When we came back home, something happened.

No, Mrow didn't visit. I would have thrown him out.

No, Myrow didn't come. I would've been so scared.

No, I didn't get free smoked salmon from the fish human. I got one once, because I was angry and ran to the fish Block to look at the fish. The human said "Dere you go, leetle keety! Ee can not stand to see you stareeng at mee feesh." And he gave me fish. He was pretty nice.

No, Zara didn't come to take me back. I would punch her. With...my paws, I guess?

Sweetie ran away.

Yes, you heard me right: little good Sweetie ran away. He just jumped out of the car and ran off.
Mom yelled at him to come back.
Mike ran after him.
I did the happy dance.

Dad was the only one who stayed calm. He said "Dogs are smart." (They are not smarter than cats. Ugh.)"he will find his way back eventually. He'll miss us and come back to our home."

Well, I hope not. The little OneEye needs to learn his lesson and stay away from us. He must have learned Zara's ways.

No. Why the dog in all hell existing did I think about Zara. She's possibly the most annoying human being on this Circle. On the whole Circle.
A bit more charming than your old fella here... Old fella being me...

She's not just annoying, she's rude. She's mean. She brought me far from my fellow cats in the Forest.

She should be away from this Circle. She should go on another Circle. Possibly the red one, that Mike is learning about at his Block, where he goes every day. It looks far away, I never see it at Sundown.

Well, I don't care about PoopFace. I'm going to go in my basket and to sleep.

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