Bonus III: About a green tree

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a/n: here's another bonus, this time Christmas themed. I know I'm really late but oh well, I hope this is good anyway. Enjoy and thanks for reading!

You know how I don't pretend to understand humans. You know how I have understanding and tolerance for everything strange that they do. But this! This goes too far.

Almost a moon ago, Mike and Felix brought in a tree. It was green, even though there was snow outside. That's already unnatural. I spoke to Myrow about it and she has the same opinion.

Now, I have nothing against trees. They're pretty nice and they don't intrude on my territory. But this tree did.

Maybe not voluntarily. After all, Mike and Felix carried it inside. But they put it in the living room and let it stay there, with its damn needles that poke us all day. They almost killed Myro!

That tree stood there for almost a moon. I tried ignoring it, but it just seemed to be smirking at me whenever I came into the living room. My kits hated it too, as did Myrow. I wasn't alone with my opinion, at least.

The tree alone was bearable. It didn't specifically attack us, although I'm sure it stuck out its needles whenever I went past it.

But, one day, Mike and Felix suddenly started to bring up boxes and boxes of shiny things that I didn't know. I had seen them before at Mom's and Dad's, the tree I had also seen there, but never as much as here. Maybe their house was bigger than Mike's and Felix's.

They unpacked the shiny things and laid them on the floor. The kits really enjoyed them and would push them to roll on the floor, but Mike scolded them and sat then on the sofa, from which they could not climb down. Myrow and I had to help them.

I had been fine with the shiny things. I personally didn't enjoy them as much, but the kits did, and I did everything for my kits. I loved them.

I would have continued to be fine with the shiny things, had Mike and Felix not started to hang them up on the tree! What had the tree done to deserve to be decorated?! Why did they suddenly fuss around it as they had never fussed around anyone, not even around the kits?!

I did give them a disapproving meow, but Felix just petted me on the head and continued hanging decorations on the tree. I hate saying this, but it actually didn't look horrible. Even worse, it actually looked quite good. The ornaments were green, red, silver, and gold: green was Myrow's favourite colour, and red was mine. It was as if it was made for us, and it just made me hate it more. The kits loved it too. They loved the sparkle, the colour, the joy that seemed to emanate from it. I felt the joy too, and it just made me feel more grumpy. How could a tree be joyous when I was not?

That night, Mike and Felix wore their best clothes and told Myrow and I to groom ourselves and the kits. We obliged, but not without questions; obviously, they didn't understand and just told us to wait. When the time was there, Felix (Mike had gone away for something) told us to come into the living room with him.

We followed, Myrow first, then the kits, then me. The kits were practically bouncing with excitement, while Myrow and I were just confused.

The living room was darkened. Only four candles lit in the middle of the table lit the place. Mike stood there, next to the tree, under which colourfully wrapped boxes were piled up. Felix walked up to Mike and pulled him in for a jaw-touch. Myrow and I covered the kits' eyes while closing our own.

After they were finished with almost traumatizing the kits, we climbed up onto the sofa. There was a platter with what humans called 'pastries' in the middle of the table. They looked sweet and quite yummy, but they also looked like they weren't good for the kits.

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