28. About lying and drama

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The fact that Mom didn't give an answer isn't true. She actually said she'd speak to Dad about it.

Yes, I lied. So what? No one in their right mind cares. You're not in your right mind then. Sorry.

Another thing I didn't say is that she spoke to Dad right away. And that Dad said sure, why not. Which is the best thing that ever happened to me.

When Mike realized that we would get Myrow, he positively screamed.

"OH MY GOD! I cannot believe it! Life! You're awesome! Forget everything I ever said about you! You're awesome! We're getting the little white cat with black feet! What should we name her! She's so cute! I can't believe it!"

I had the same reaction. But I don't want to bare my intimate reactions in front of humans, so I kept it all inside.

Zara was still sitting guiltily in the corner, waiting for the humans of a group called "The Police" to come and imprison her. I looked at her and hoped that I had some anger in my eyes. I suspect my body was taken over by happiness and couldn't show anger anymore.

Dad walked over, Mike closely behind him, and Mom following. I was running ahead. By the way, if you are wondering, they didn't react at all to the fact that I was present, which is really unlike them. They crossed the door, and Mom asked: "Is this the cat that you want, Mike?"

She was standing in front of Myrow's cage, since Felix put her back after showing her to Mike.
Mike screamed "Yes! Please please please please!"

"Mike! We've already said yes. There's no us still asking" Dad scolded him.
"Let him be." Mom said affectionally, and touched jaws(? Mouths? I don't know?) with Dad.

You can probably think who that was, expressing my very thoughts. Yep, it was Mike.

I mean, touching jaws is really unhygienic. Touching noses is way better.

The little humans except Mike went home in the metal room they came in, and Mom, Dad, I, and Mike went home in our own metal room.

Going home was probably the most enjoyable ride in the moving metal room I've ever had. Because I got to look at Myrow. She is so pretty. I am not. But she still looked in my eyes with her mossy green ones, and I looked in hers.

This moment was perfect. But like in every story that is told by Old Myr, something came to ruin it. That something was the thought of Sweetie.

What would Sweetie think of Myrow? He's a nice guy, but I mean...Cats don't like dogs. Do dogs like Cats?

Sweetie sure likes me! I just hoped he'd like Myrow.

When we came home, I looked for Sweetie. Mom and Dad did too. Mike did as well. Everyone wanted to know where Sweetie was and what he thought of Myrow.

But Sweetie wasn't there.

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