15. About blocks and a mossy pool

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That rock sure freaked me out. I mean, what is the probability for exactly the same rock spawning twice? 0%, that's what it is. Plus, my life never was weird. It can't be weird just now.

What if it was the same, just moved?

It can't be the same rock as in the Forest. Surely not. It can't be! It just can't! No...

What if this was the Forest?


I walk down the paths written by paw steps to the Sunny Rock. Cats come here for all sorts of things. Mostly for sleeping. Sleep is amazing.

But right now, I'm not here for sleeping. I'm here to meet Myrow. She's so beautiful. White as the clouds, black feet like burnt wood after a fire, sparkling leaf green eyes... And she accepted going to the Sunny Rock with me. Me, Myoyow. A plain old tabby. I didn't believe it. I still don't now, walking towards the place where she is waiting.

I know her since we were kits, we were always very close. A few years ago, my feelings changed. When I see her, the sun shines down harder on me. I lose my sass and wit. She looks brighter than everyone else, she's the only one I see.

I asked her to the Mossy Rock a few times. She was always there, she never missed one. The mice running around in my stomach were always there too. But now, I invited her to the Sunny Rock. I have to ask her today, I can't wait any longer.

Her green eyes like the leaves of the trees scintillate in the sunlight. We touch noses and sit down beside each other. She leans in me, showing her trust. I curl my tail around her, I promise to protect her. She meows softly, I meow back. I drown in her eyes, they are like pools of mossy water. She looks deeply in mine, plain brown. I forget everything except her, and I know she feels the same. I look at the ground, nervous.

"Myrow, will you be my mate?"

She waits for a moment that seems like an hour to me. What if she refuses?

"Y-yes. Yes, I will."


What just was that?

I didn't want to remember that. No. No. Just...no.

My proposal to Myrow...

I didn't want to remember. I missed my chance to see her again. Now I must forget. Every. Single. Thing.

Does anyone have a way to get amnesia?

"The Cat! Get back here! What's wrong with the rock? How about playing HopScotch?"

Dad again.
No, I don't want to get back there. The thing that's wrong with the rock is that it's where I proposed to Myrow. Playing HopScotch? Seriously? How about NO?

"Come on! We'll miss you! Um...even Mike! And Sweetie too!"

I already said that, this doghole commonly called Mike does.not.miss.me. And Sweetie is not a name. WillSoonBeKilledBecauseOfNonRespect is.
Plus, he probably doesn't miss me either.

"Ok then, stay there and admire your rock."

What the freaking cat? I'm not admiring it! I'm not even looking at it!
I'm just...um...directing my eyeballs towards it. Yeah, right. That's it. Just my eyeballs.

"The Cat, come here RIGHT NOW!"

Ok, ok, God. Don't need to freak out, Mike. I'm coming.

"Are you flipping coming or not?!"
Yes! Yes I am! Damn, calm your sh...your shins. Yeah. Calm your shins!

"I don't see you coming! Move your little butt over here!"

Only my butt? Ok. I'll cut it off and throw it towards you.

Actually, no. I would prefer my butt to stay on my body, thank you. Cutting it off would HURT. With PAIN.

I'll just come back when Mike stops freaking out. I think I'll do that. Yeah.

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