6. About an affection mark and a butterfly

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Josie and Mike came inside. And Josie suddenly decided she wanted us to go to bed. This does not make any sense!
You want to know why? First of all, I don't have a bed. I have a basket. Big difference. Second of all...well...ehm...yeah...well because...ah! I don't want to go to bed! That's a reason big enough. Isn't it?

So I scratched Josie's leg. You should know me well enough by now to know not to irritate me, I wanted to tell her. Sadly, she only said "I'm sorry that I have to leave soon! I'll miss you, poor little kitty. You'll miss me too, won't you? I do know cat's scratches are affection marks. You don't have to meow so loud to tell me. "

I'm not meowing to apologize, moron! This is a WAR shout!

Pff. She is so stupid that she doesn't even realize I'm not listening.
Actually, is that even possible? Cats always know when the other cat isn't listening. Although sometimes cats understand things completely wrong, like Josie. For example, my first love, Myrow, when she wanted to annoy me, she always would understand words completely the wrong way, as if she was deaf. It annoyed me so much but I still miss her. I wish I was back with her, chasing birds and ourselves, cleaning each other's pelt, helping the older cats to eat and wash...

I remember one day, we were in the Forest and we saw a butterfly. Myrow suggested we chase it. Taking the wrong turn, because the many parts that curved through the Forest are quite confusing, even for us Cats, we ended up in a dead end, without the butterfly. Myrow looked at the sky and showed me the Big Cat. And suddenly she remembered this was the guiding star. If we followed it, we would always come home. I wanted to stay behind. I was a coward. I knew there was no danger, but I couldn't help being scared. What if she was wrong? What if we lost each other? What if we lost the star?

I told her, but she pulled at my paw, pulling out a bit of fur, and told me to come.
We ran for a long time, until we saw our home.
I will always remember this day.

For it was the day I truly fell in love with her.

We knew each other since we were kits, and sometimes went on outings together, but this was the first one that was romantic.

I wish I was back there.
No. I'm here now, in the boring present. I can never come back, so why think of it?

Josie told me to go in my basket. So yeah. That's all of it.

I'm joking, of course. Do you really think I would obey someone as stupid as Josie? Of course, I fought. And of course, I lost.

I jumped on Josie's leg, sunk my claws in that protecting piece of fabric, and didn't let go. Josie shook me off and said : "I know you love me, little cat! But you have to stop yourself from being too outgoing about it. It's not very nice for other people who don't have a lover."

What is she talking about? I love Myrow!
Wait... What did I just say? I don't love her! Of course I don't! She's away forever! I'll never see her anymore! No...no... I can't think about it, I'll never forget her! I have to forget or else I'll never do!

Don't think about it. Don't think and just go to sleep.


This chapter is dedicated to @silversnowleopard :)

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