22. About occasional stuttering and riddles

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We need your help...We need your help...We need your help...

"Wh...why should I help you?"

"We are the only ones left of the whole group."

Only ones left?

"Why in the name of all living dogs in hell would you be the only ones left? This can't be! No, it can't! Where's Myrow? Where's Old Myr? Where are my freaking parents? This is all a joke, isn't it? Come on, you know this isn't true. Stop this acting!" I screamed out loud.

Mryoyow shook his head. "You know this is true. Look inside of you and come back when you've realized that we need your help."

"When did you get so wise and know-it-all? You never were like that." I was truly panicked now.

Now the old ginger male started spreading his brain's content out for everyone to see.
"The catastrophe has made us wise and old. It has aged everyone. Which is just us, as you can see."

"But...but...what happened? Nothing is bad enough to make people age."

"The humans are. They will be the Wild Cat's doom someday."

"Quit meowing in riddles and start explaining!" Not even Josie annoyed me as much as the ginger male did at this point.

Mryoyow hesitantly took over. "They took everyone. They came with these things...

"Cages", the ginger cat interjected. Just shut your mouth, will you?

"With cages. They grabbed first the kits, then the young females and males, and then the Old. Mory and I were spared because we were out hunting."

"I need to help you! I don't know how! I want to save Myrow! Where is she! I can't...I can't deal..."

"It pains me to say this, but go back to your humans. You'll figure out a way to help us. You're smart. You've always been." the ginger cat - Mory - said.

"How do you know me? I don't know you!"

"I was a Wild Cat before. I'm not now, because the group has...em...disappeared. I was one of the Wounded, because of my crooked walk."
Now that he mentioned it, I could see his limp. Maybe he wasn't old after all.
"No one ever looks at the Wounded. Do you remember? But I always observed you."

I stayed silent. Because I did remember, and I was one of these Cats that didn't care about the Wounded.

"No one ever even acknowledged that we were there, except Old Myr because she had to. No one even knew our NAMES!"

I stayed silent yet again.

"No one even really CARED about us! Do you know what it's like to be invisible? Do you know what it's like to have Cats staring right through you? Do you know?!"

Now it was too much for me to handle.
"Oh yes I do know! The humans, they don't care about me. I'm just another pet for them to play with. When I meow, I'm annoying, when I don't meow, they think I'm dead and start searching everywhere and overlooking me. You don't freaking know how it is to have people patting your head! You don't know!" I screeched.

"Now don't get all worked up..." Mryoyow started to say.

"I will get worked up if I need to!" Mory screamed. He almost made my poor ears explode.

"My ears are sensitive, don't you know that?"

"We have an issue to solve, Cats! It's serious!"

"You know what? I just don't care about you anymore."

And I stalked out.

Yes, maybe it was bad, but I don't care.

I just don't.

Deal with it.

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