18. About rainbows and missing love for them

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I ran away.

Yes. You heard me right: I ran away. Me, little Sweetie.

Now you're probably asking why I left the amazing home where I lived. I was happy there, that's true. But I still ran away.

Because the world doesn't appreciate life. I love living, I love seeing rainbows, I'm happy just seeing the Sun go up every time I wake up. I feel like people are forgetting how awesome the Circle is.

I ran through fields, a forest, and was close to the Mass of Houses when I stopped. Humans were still on the path, even though it was almost Sundown. I had to hide in the bushes to each side of the path. I heard that when humans find you and you don't have your collar, they bring you back to the Block. And i certainly do not want to go back to Zara.

I had plenty of time to think about humans and animals while hiding. Humans just want to consume the Circle. They don't care about anything. They chop down forests, kill animals, empty the lakes and rivers. Someday, nothing will be left for the poor animals and the humans will regret everything. I fear that day might be coming soon.

When everything was dark, the Sun was down, all humans went back to their houses. I wasn't sleepy at all, for some reason, so I kept running. I was completely in the Mass of Houses now. No one was on the paths. I walked through an area with lots of trees and flowers. I saw a big Block filled with beautiful images. I know that because I looked through the glass that formed the Block. I did not break in. Why would you think that?

At some point, I stopped and waited for SunUp to come. I sat on a bench and just waited. I watched the early birds hop around and chirp, I saw the first human come out of a house.

That human directly walked towards me and said:
"Hi, little doggie! Oh, you're so cute! Yes those cute little ears!" He scratched me behind them.
I barked. Because he kinda looked like Felix, and I like Felix. He's nice. Even though he likes the Cat better than he likes me.

"I think I know you from somewhere" he said.
Yep, well, me too.
"Aren't you Sweetie? Who lives with the Cat? And Mike and all those people?"

I barked once to tell him yes.

"My names Felix! Do you remember me?"

Of course I do.

"Why are you here?"

I couldn't explain to him. He seemed to enjoy life. I didn't want to ruin it for him.

"I'm going to bring you to my home and then I'll call Mike and bring you back to him."

I didn't want to. I wanted to stay in the wild. But what can a little doggie do against a human?

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