16. About repetitiveness and a diverse enumeration

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Mike finally stopped screaming at me when I accepted to play one round of HopScotch. ONE. ONE FREAKING ROUND. And you know how many I ended up playing?

Yes. I played four. FOUR ROUNDS. Of a game that I hate for commonly known reasons. I shouldn't be that sensitive to bad influence.

"Let's explore the forest! We should find a skunk, a grizzly, a deer, and a mouse!"

I'm sorry, Mike, what the hell? You want to find a skunk? A skunk, out of all things? They...stink, to say it nicely. And seriously, a bear? Um...they are dangerous. Very. Dangerous.

But Mike insisted on finding a skunk. "Ok, but come back soon" Mom said. Doesn't she know how dangerous it is? You can get DIRTY! That's bad!

And when Mike came back, he was stinky. Of course. I called it.
"It's the Cats fault, he didn't warn me!" he screamed. I kind of did. I meowed. Doesn't that count?

I think it does. Then again, I'm smart and humans are stupid. So I guess they don't understand.

"Mom, I really wanna find a bear. Can I go?"
Damn, Mike, don't you know that bears are dangerous? I thought Mom and Dad would've taught him that by now. Or at this Block that looks really similar to the house where he goes a lot, I think he would have learnt that. He always complains after that he doesn't want to learn anything. So stupid of him. That's why he wants to find a bear.

But Mom let him go, and sure enough, Mike came running, scared for his life, to the little clearing where Dad decided we would stay for a few hours.
"I'm scared Mom, the bear was giant! Way bigger than me! Protect meeeee!"

What did I tell you? I should become a kit teacher. I would do a good job, I believe.

A few hours later, when the Sun was almost down, Dad said:
"I think we should get back into our car and go back home. Mike is getting tired."

First of all, what is a car? Second of all... Um... Well... I actually don't really know. I guess.

What I didn't know is that Dad left the big metal room (I guess that's a car then) very very very far away. About 200 tail's lengths. Sweetie, who I think I am going to call DoggyLongLegs, since he has long legs, ran the whole time and I had to stay behind. Of course, Mom and Dad got annoyed at me and yelled that I should go faster.

Why is that my fault? I have short legs and you have long legs. I have small paws and you have big human paws. I am stup... No, I'm not stupid. I'm smart and you are stupid.

I guess that kinda contradicts itself, doesn't it?

What I didn't realize either is that the way from the Forest to home is way longer that the way from home to the Forest. So I was bored the whole way back. I wanted to sleep, but Sweeties stench kept me awake. I wanted to meow and annoy everyone, but everyone except me and Dad were sleeping. And Dad was listening to sounds, so he wouldn't have heard me.

I think I'll just come back when we are home.

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