5. About a wrong insult and a jumping game

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When I woke up, Josie was still there. I was secretly hoping she would walk out and leave me and Mike alone. But no, she had to stay and torture me. Forever.

Just until Mom and Dad come back, which could be considered forever from the view of a Cat. Of course, you wouldn't know because humans are always so selfish. They never think of animals, that just could be there and that just could be annoyed by whatever they do.

So Josie decided (who gave her to right to decide anything? Not me!) that it was supper time. And she decided to give me my food. And she decided to stand right in front of the thing she calls garbage. And she even said: "Now, now, little cat, I'm not going to let you throw away your food and take some fish out of the fridge, aren't I? Ha! You thought you had me there! Well, none of that game with me!"

What an insult! To stop me from throwing away blocks of rock and eat yummy fish! Pff. Josie is only a human. Cats are better. Cats don't decide everything.

Well, except my old friend Mryoyow. HE always wanted to decide every single thing. We had to decide what game we played? He decided Cat-the-scotch. We had to decide what we would eat? He decided chicken. I actually miss him quite a bit. Cats used to want to play with us and yearn after our popularity. I can't really make my own decisions without him. I wish I was back in the Forest with him and all my other friends...

And if we had to decide if we would let Mro or Mor to play with us? He decided Moy. And you get the idea, I should think. If you don't, you're a human.

Oops. You are a human. I guess that isn't much of an insult then, isn't it?

Well, okay. If you didn't understand, you're a bird. And there you go.

So Josie decided we would play a game. And she decided we would play Hop Scotch. What that is? I have no idea. Still, it can't be that good. If I don't know it, it can't be very good. Mike was obviously thinking the same thing, since he groaned loudly. And she told him: "Yes Mike, we are going to play Hop Scotch. It is important for you to learn about games more fitted for the other gender."

Humans are such morons! Cats all play the same games, males and females. Males and females are basically the same, so why make different games for each one? Kits all play the same games.

I will never understand humans.

She took Mike by the hand (how come humans do that?) and went outside with him. I had no choice but to follow. Did you think I would, of my own choice, follow someone who doesn't want me to stay healthy by eating fish?

Then she said: "See, I drew a pattern on the floor. Here is a stone. You have to throw it into the first square, then you jump into the first square, take the stone and jump into each square till the end. I will go first, then Mike and then the Cat."

She threw the stone in the first square, jumped into it, took the stone and jumped in each square till the end. Then she asked: "Now Mike, have you understood?"

Mike, sleeping of boredom, suddenly woke up and quickly nodded. He then threw the stone as far as he could, ran to the end of the garden to retrieve it, came back, jumped into the first square, placed the stone on his hand, where it fell off multiple times, and jumped in all the squares till the end.
He probably understood something wrong there.

And you know what the stone did? Yes. Exactly. It fell off this hand and on my head. Multiple times. And Mike didn't even get a tap on the head, like I would've. I even still have a bruise. Not just one. Many.

Then Josie told me it was my turn. I took the stone in my mouth, walked to the first square, put the stone in it, took the stone back in my mouth, and walked all the way down the pattern.

You know what Josie said? You probably don't. That's why I'm going to tell you. She said: "Cat! You are supposed to throw the stone! And to hold it in your hand not in your mouth! And to JUMP in each square! Cats are so stupid. "

And she grounded me to stay inside.

You know what Josie? I don't care.

So I walked to my basket and tried to sleep. I shall now wait for the terror and her victim. I'll come back when Josie and Mike are finished with playing Hop Scotch.

Sorry if this chapter is a bit short, but I hope you all enjoyed it anyways.
This chapter is dedicated to @Thestorycastle, who made my beautiful cover! Thank you :)

the music is the well-known 3rd movement 'Alla Turca' of the sonata K331 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.   

Thanks everyone for reading! As always, vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter! And you can message me if you want to chat about anything :)

enjoy your life,

*finished editing*

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