23. About a teacher and a misplaced button

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The Cat left us.

I didn't understand why. Mom, Dad, and Mike are a perfectly good family. I've seen worse. One of my friends at the Block, who didn't have a name because Zara and the other humans didn't give us names, was taken by an old female human. She was kind of crazy, even though it pains me to say something like that.

Without the Cat (I would never had thought that I'd say this) I was bored. I always fight with him, which is really not peaceful and all, but I enjoy it. I'm usually really nice, but the Cat has taught me the love of play-fighting.

Now I missed him. All I do all day is sitting in my basket, occasionally sleeping and eating. I let the sun shine on me without ever thanking it. I feel so bad!! The Cat needs to come back. He was the sunshine of my life. I want him back.

I wasn't not the only one missing him. Mom missed him too, it was evident. Mike, maybe a bit less, but even he did. Dad as well. They seemed to miss screaming at him, sometimes playing but then scolding him.

If you know our house (which you most certainly do not), you know that the entrance door has a button, that when pressed by visitors and such, gives off a sound. But of course, the button is placed in a way that only humans can ring it.

So when the sound came off, this afternoon, I knew it couldn't be the Cat. But I still held hope.
It ended up being just the human who gives Mom and Dad pieces of paper.

For once, I was special.
You don't know why, do you? No you don't.
That's because when he opened the door, I saw something grey-brown run past. I didn't see who it was. But I strongly suspected it was the Cat.

My world was made out of sparkles again. I looked out the window and saw a double  rainbow. Can you imagine that?! A double rainbow! It was the first time that I saw one. Of course, I couldn't see any in the Block, there were no windows. But still. My first double rainbow!

I remember my first family speaking about double rainbows. They said they were so rare, none of them had ever seen one. I got lucky and saw one!! I can't believe that! I need to tell them!
...or not. I don't want to. No. No. I can't.

Later that Sun, I went into my basket to go to sleep. I was still hoping that the Cat would just show up and go to sleep next to me.

And you know what?
He did show up.
He just stalked in, sat down next to me, in his basket, with a cuddly pillow just like mine, and I barked at him. Just as a greeting.

And he snarled. But I think he meant it nicely.

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