Bonus II: About little worms

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a/n: the amazing art you see up there was made by the wonderful naghree . It represents one of the scenes in the bonus :)

"Dad! Dad! Help me!"

"What, Myro?"
I walked over to where my son-kit was standing. He was hiding behind a bush in Mike and Felix's garden. The two had grown taller, and one day they decided to move Blocks and have one together. And they took me and Myrow with them. And Myrow had kits.
They took Sweetie as well, although he had grown old and now mainly lies in his basket contemplating life.

I'm not saying that I miss Mom and Dad, but they were a big part of my life, and they aren't here at the moment. I don't know what happened, but I know that we don't live with them anymore. In a way, it is sad.

"I'm stuck!"

"No you're not," I said, shaking my head. Myro's paw was simply - well, stuck, I guess - in between two branches. With my teeth, I pried them apart and Myro could run about.

"Yay! Thanks, Dad!"

I smiled, something that I learned again when Myrow had kits. I also learned how to free kits from mouse traps, how to calm them when they had a panic attack, how to use herbs to cure small sicknesses, and more stuff. Mike and Felix could cure sicknesses with a small visit to some other human, that then gave them a strange liquid, but Myrow said that too much of that liquid was bad for the kits, and I believed her, because she was always right.

She was right when we had the kits, that there would be three, two males and a female, she had the best name ideas for the kits, and she knew everything about kits. She had been a student with Old Myr, our Leader, to become Healer-in-replacement. She would've been the Healer if the next Leader couldn't heal. But I wanted to go back to Mom and Dad's house, and she followed me because...

I don't actually know why. I wish I did.

"Why did you actually follow me here, love?" I asked her.

"Do you still need to ask me that? I thought that after having kits you would've known," she said playfully.

"I don't know, that's the thing," I replied. I didn't know why she would follow me, a pitiful excuse for a strong and handsome Cat...
She might love me, but I still doubted it sometimes.

Wait what? No, no, no, I am a very strong and very handsome Cat. I still don't know why though.

"Because I love you, that's why." She came closer and we touched noses. I loved her, and she loved me. What was there more to be said?

"You two are so sweet together! I swear I never regretted taking you with us." Mike appeared out of nowhere. I had always thought him to be the most annoying human that existed, but he had apparently grown to like Cats and took us with him and Felix.

I don't think that he would've done it without Felix though.

"Aww, you're right! They're so sweet together." Felix appeared out of nowhere too.

"But not sweeter than we are together," Mike said. He touched jaws with Felix and smiled.
How unhygienic. I mean, even Cats know that little worms live on jaws and paws. So that means that Felix just got Mike's worms and Mike got Felix's. That's disgusting. Which is why Myrow and I touch noses. There are no little worms on noses.

Later in the Sun, it was almost Dark outside now, Felix went to some kind of device that I never knew what it was called, put meat into a pot and put the pot on top of some kind of strange fire. He gave me, Myrow, and our kits Myro, Moryry, and Myry cold meant in our little bowls. Mike and Felix had asked us what we wanted to name the kits and that's what we told them, and that's what they call them now.

Although they had a not-so-slight pronunciation flaw. They called me The Cat, and the other ones they all called Meow. Myrow was alright with it, but Myro and Myry were mad when they said it. Moryry didn't care.

Mike is really nice now. I think the 'going to live with Felix and being alone every night doing secret stuff' changed him. I think him and Felix love each other, almost as much as Myrow and I do. They always touch jaws, always put their arms around each other, always are together, always say loving stuff to each other.

It's pretty similar to what Myrow and I do, except for the jaw touching part. I would never ever do that. It's plainly disgusting. Especially when they stay like that for a long time and start moving their jaws from one side to the other.

At some point, Mike and Felix went alone to one bedroom and started touching jaws. I know that, because I went there to see if there was an opportunity for me to get a sweet. But they seemed like they didn't want to be disturbed. They were sitting on the bed, Mike sitting on Felix, touching jaws, and Mike was purring. Well, almost purring. Only Cats can purr.

Mike was pretty close to it, though. I have to acknowledge that.

I had slipped out of the room, feeling as if I had witnessed something I should not have seen. Why would I feel like that? I have the right to witness everything.

I walked over to Sweetie's basket, and meowed. We still hadn't learned to communicate, and we still weren't great friends, but since Sweetie has stopped jumping unto me and licking me, I like him a bit better.

He barked, but it was a weak bark. I knew that everyone would go on their Solitary Journey one day; they would go to sleep and never wake up. Humans, Cats, dogs, birds, everyone would. The Almighty Cat would take their spirit and transport it over to their Path, where they walk until they have found the Key to happiness. They then are brought to the Realm of Wilderness, and after that, if they prove worthy of it, to the Realm of Gold.

The Almighty Cat only comes if someone is in great pain, or if someone is very old. I knew that Sweetie wasn't that old, but I still knew that he would leave soon.

I stepped inside his basket. It was full of dog hair, and I wanted to cringe - but since I was there because I wanted to be nice to Sweetie, I held myself back.

"Sweetie... I'm sorry for not being nice to you. When you came to Mom and Dad's house. You know?"

He couldn't understand. It was impossible. Dogs have never understood Cat language. Cats have never understood dog language, for that matter.

But he looked at me in a friendly way... and gave me his dog smile.

I hesitated. Should I smile back? A smile was rare! I didn't want to just offer it to everyone.

But it was Sweetie, who had always been nice to me, but I haven't been nice back.
I made my decision.

I smiled at him, a bright Cat smile, and purred softly.

We sat there for a while, just looking at each other, just remembering the times that we fought - and play-fought -, just remembering me coming home from battling Zara, just remembering Sweetie running away, just being happy.

I was happy. I had a mate, three adorable kits, a great home, and two great owner. But I realized that I couldn't be completely happy until I undid the wrongs that I committed. And most of them were to Sweetie.

So I smiled again and sat next to him.

(Short author's note because it's just a bonus chapter)
Oh, damn. Mike and Felix together huh.
Frankly, I didn't feel like introducing someone new so they're just together. Yup :P

There's probably going to be a few more bonuses, maybe two, or three if I have ideas. Hope you are enjoying them :)

Thank you so much for reading, if you are enjoying, I'd appreciate a vote and a comment =)
Enjoy your food, your sleep, and your Wattpadding,

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