Part 1 :the park:

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Tw:past abuse,alcohol,

As tommy finally finished his stream he got up.After streaming for 5 hours straight was fun it was also tiring and his body was all cramped.Tommy then walked down the stairs to see his mum cooking dinner,

"Hey tommy how was your stream"she said in a cheery voice
"Hi Mum it was fun but I gotta get out of the house to stretch my body"tommy said with a sigh
"Ok,well since your going out can you get some bread to go with dinner"?
As tommy put on his shoes and opened the door he heard his mum yell,
"Plz don't take long"

As tommy walked through the street he felt happy.Tommy had a big platform and with having that he had to keep up with that plus he had was nice to finally get out of the house and go for a walk.Tommy often did that after a long stream and whenever he felt overwhelmed with streaming and school.

Tommy went to the shops and got the bread and started walking back.He decided to go a different way then he normally did.As he walked through streets he saw a park.The park rung a bell for him but he didn't know why.As he walked closer he started to feel sad,a flood of memories came at his head all at once,

Tw⚠️abuse,alcohol,arguing,panic attacks,swearing⚠️tw
Bold is Tommy's dad taking
Normal is Tommy talking
And what ever this typing type is,is Tommy's Mum.

Tommy remember going to the park with both his parents.Tommy remembered running to the swing as begging his dad to push him.his dad pushed him and talked with his mum.Tommy's dad was in his life till he was 12.He loved his dad so much before he turned to alcohol.

"TOMMY"his father screamed from down stairs,
"Yea"Tommy responded
Tommy hated when his dad yelled in fact he hated yelling in general,yelling always made him scared and afraid.ever since his father started getting more aggressive it was getting worse as his dad would never yell but now he did.

(!In this story Tommy's dad is gonna be called John and his mum is gonna be called Lisa!)

"No John you do it I'm sick and tired of you yelling at me and Tommy to do cleaning even when you agreed to doing it in first place"
"YOU DONT TALK TO ME THAT WAY" Tommy's dad said slapping Lisa.

Tommy jumped after hearing yelling and then a slap.He ran under his bed and hid,he hated hearing his mum get hurt but he couldn't bring himself to stop his dad.Tommy felt weak and and knew that even if he had the confidence he definitely didn't have the strength.

As tommy layed there he heard angry foot steps comming up the stairs.Tommy squeezed his eyes shut and kept on saying to himself in a whisper.

"It's gonna be ok,it's gonna be ok"over and over again.

Tears where now pouring down his face,he was sobbing.As he stayed there sobbing and shaking he heard his door slam open.

Tommy remained quite trying not to let his sobs escape but he couldn't he let out a hiccup and saw as the shadows leant down comming closer to Tommy.

"Found you brat"his dad said with a manic smile.

Tommy tried shuffling away but his father grabbed him by his collar and chucked him out from under his bed.Tommy hit his head on the wall and was seeing stars,he grabbed the back of his head as his father grabbed his other arm and forced him down the stairs.

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