Part 15:#bebravefortommy:

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Tw:⚠️heart failure,coma,mentions of death,crying⚠️:Tw

It had been a week since tommy was put into the hospital.In that time he made no signs of waking up.He was still in the same position eyes shit and chest slowly rising and falling.

The boys had been taking care.They ended up getting a house they could rent.They ended up renting it for 2 months not knowing if Tommy would even wake up in that time.

They would all visit the hospital to see if Tommy had made an approvments which he hadn't and would sit with him.Often telling Tommy all the things that was happening on Twitter and what not.Singing him songs and showing him affection.Yes they knew Tommy most likely wouldn't be able to hear nor feel there touch but maybe just maybe he could which gave them some type of comfort knowing that there letting him know that they are here.

They made a promise that two people would stay with Tommy while the rest slept,ate,showered you know.Sometimes only one person would go so they could get someone on one time.

The doctors were saying how Tommy is healing well apart from his chest and stomach wounds which seem to be getting worse by the day.He still looks very bruised and busted up but slowly you can see his skin is healing itself.The doctors aren't sure when he will wake up but It shouldn't be any time soon.

The boys have been trying to keep strong but it's so hard,seeing someone you love so dearly be so hurt to the point where they won't wake up crushes you.The police have came multiple times asking the group what happened if they knew.Which they gave the information form that one night.In that time Dream and George have become quite close and have been thinking about dating but as any DNF Wattpad story goes,won't  admit there feelings,I suppose it probably isn't the best time to get together when you friend is in a coma.Phil and techno have been the bricks keeping this group from falling.Often giving advice to the rest when all hope seems lost.They both have been leaning on each other when in need and have quite a 'father & son' bond if you would say.Wilbur and tubbo have been the ones of most concerned.Tubbo is terrified about what happened with Tommy and what will happen.They boys have talked about all going to therapy for what they saw but especially tubbo.He was only 16 and saw his best friend get beaten to the point of that he probably did die for a minute or two,then be brought back only to be taken back a few minutes later.Tubbo just really wanted his best friend back and would go to no Advil to get him back into his arms.Wilbur was a mess.He blamed himself saying he could have traveled to Tommy's house quicker and maybe he wouldn't be in this situation.Obviously we told him that it wasn't his fault and to stop blaming himself but it didn't seem to stick.He wasn't eating well and wasn't sleeping.We would comfort him but we all knew the only thing that would make him stop being like this was him being able to see Tommy's eyes open agian.

Online was going crazy,No one had posted what had happened to Tommy.The last post made from any dreamsmp member was dream say they were taking a break to fix the server.Obviously they were gonna have to come out soon with everything but they were preventing it because no one wants to talk about the horrific situation that happened in those two houses.Dream had told everyone who was on the dreamsmp what was happening and that if they wanted to get a plane time to to see tommy that they should wait until he wakes up...........if he wakes up.

Days where going by slowly till it hit the two week mark and Tommy still wasn't awake.No signs of waking up.His two big wounds seemed to be getting infected agian even though they were being treated it seemed like no amount of treatment would fix them.The boys were going alright apart from Wilbur who was still struggling.He visited a hospital therapist who talked to him and they talked about more future plans with him going into therapy.The whole of Twitter was getting suspicious as to why no one was making content in over 3 weeks.Some were thinking they were all working on a huge project while others thought they were all taking a big break.Dream eventually posted a tweet saying

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