Part 6:hold on part 2:

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Tw:⚠️Panic attacks,mentions of death⚠️:Tw
Nobody's POV:
Everyone got seated and started quietly talking.Everyone was still on edge but everyone was starting to calm down and try to come up with a plan on how they were going to help Tommy.Dream,George and techno were sitting in one row and in the other row Philza and tubbo were sitting together.Tubbo was trying to keep his mind busy but his thoughts kept on taking over him.

Tw:⚠️Panic attack,intrusive thoughts⚠️:tw

Philzas POV:
A lay back in my seat with my headphones in.As I start to get comfy I look over at tubbo who is sitting there grabbing his armrests looking like he is struggling to breath.I quickly take my earphones out and I put my hand on tubbos back.He jumps and starts shaking,I start to rub his back and say comforting words to him but nothings working,I look over at dream,George and techno trying to get there attention.Tubbo puts his hand on his chest and starts grabbing at his shirt.I realise it's getting worse and yell to dream,George and techno to get there attention.

Technos POV:
As I lay back in my seat I hear phill yell our names and I look over to him.Tubbo is sitting there grabbing at his shirt bear,y being able to breathing and phill trying to help him breath,But even though phill has fatherly instincts in him,his never been the best a comforting people during panic attacks.I quickly get a air attendants attention and ask her to get a bottle of water and also ask her if I can get out of my seat.She says she'll see and goes to get the water bottle.I look back over to tubbo and Philza and see phill put tubbos hand on his chest so he can hopefully follow his breathing.I look over sympathetically and sigh.This poor boy must be really hurting.I mean he did just see his best friend get beaten and have to hear every word of it and see it.As the attendant comes back she says I can move around so me,dream and George go over to them and I kneel in front of tubbo.
"Hey tubbo can you name three things you see"I say
"Good job now can I touch you"(don't take that a different way you creeps)
Tubbo nods so I take his hand off of Phil's chest and I hold it.His hands are shaking quite bad so I hold tightly but not to tight to hopefully steady his shaking.Phill is rubbing circles on his back,George is by his other side and is rubbing is shoulder and dream is standing there saying comforting words.Everyone is concerned for tubbo but wants him to stop panicking so we all step in.


Tubbos POV:
Tw:⚠️panic attack mentions of death⚠️:Tw
As I look around I feel my breathing quickening up,
He's dead
You idiot you really though you could save him
You couldn't save him in time because of how dumb you are.

The thoughts were getting worse and I was panicking more.As I get lose in thoughts I start to see my vision turn blurry and I feel my body start to shake more aggressively and I'm stuck in my thoughts
You let your best friend die,how could you!You monster.Tommy is your best friend and has done so much for you and yet you let him die.No one will ever forgive you,You should have been beaten not HIM!

As I'm locked in my thoughts I feel arms wrap around me and as I look up I see techno,dream,George and phill all looking at me concerned trying there best to comfort me.I quickly get sucked into my thoughts but am quickly snapped out of them by a voice,a voice I recognise,Technos.
"Hey tubbo can you name three things you can see"He says in a comforting voice,I start to look around and list.
"I-I-um-y-you-um-ph-phill-George"I say chocking through sobs.
"Good job now can I touch you"he says moving his hands a little closer to me.
I nod and he quickly grabs my hand that was on Phil's chest into his firm grip.He then holds mine and his hands close to my face and holds tightly but not to tight.I start to calm down and I look around,Everyone is looking at my with sad smiles and concerned looks.I look at techno and notice he's trying to get my to copy his breathing,so I try.It was hard but I managed to get my breathing to some what of a normal pace.As start to get back t my senses I lean into technos shoulder,I was so tired and exhausted I almost fell asleep right then and there,but I feel a tap on my shoulder and I look over and see dream offering me water I take it and take small sips before feeling my body start to lean and collapse,I had passed out..

Technos POV:(agian)
As tubbo took a few sips I see his body start to fall and he collapses right into my chest.George grabs the drink bottle before it slips out of his hands and dream goes over to tell the concerned air attendants what happened.I slowly look down at tubbo he has tear marks down his face but he looks peaceful,I could tell he needed to let his emotions out.I lay him back in his seat and tell phill to keep a eye on him as we still had 10 hours left.Wow it had taken quite a while to calm tubbo down but I'm glad he wasn't sobbing and shaking anymore but peacefully asleep,i knew we were gonna have to ask him what happened and how it happened but for now I was gonna let him sleep.I slowly got up and went over to my seat were George and dream were softly talking to each other.As I leaned in my seat I felt my eyes slowly close and I fall asleep.

Dreams POV:
I look over to see phill,techno and tubbo asleep.I smile,I was gonna have to get some sleep but I couldn't,I felt so tired but yet so awake.I looked down a George and see him trying to keep himself up in his seat trying not to fall asleep on my.I softly grab George's shoulders and move him so he's laying on my chest.He smiles and falls asleep.I didn't want him to be uncomfortable so I made sure he was.I lay my head back on the seat and look out of the window and think.
'Where are we going to stay'.
Oh shit-!
I forgot to message Wilbur to say we were on our way.I pull out my phone and quickly open discord.

Wilburs POV:
I open my eyes and see that my body is cuddled up into a ball.I stretch out and feel something wet in my face.I touch it and I quickly remember what happened before.I sit up and sigh.I felt so broken inside.As I look around my room and hear my stomache grumble.I hadn't eaten in a while so I bet up to get food.I walk into the bathroom and wash my face,my face is pale but my cheeks are red.My hair was all messy and I looked like I hadn't slept in days.That's what crying endlessly does to you,I sigh and walk into the kitchen and make myself a cheese sandwich and walk up to my bedroom.My house was huge as my my grandparents had left it to there only grand child to have and here I am now,In a five bedroom house all by myself but hey it was ok,Niki was thinking about moving in with me soon.So I wasn't going completely be alone in this house.As I sit down on my bed and eat the sandwich I look over my phone that has lighten up in my dark room.I grab it and see a message from dream,

Hey Wilbur,we are on our flight and will be there in about 9 and a half hours.Tubbo had a panic attack on the plane so he might be a bit fragile when we meet also do you have spare rooms we could stay in,If not that's totally fine we will stay in hotel. :)

I smile,and text back.

Hey dream,I have like 4 bedrooms spare so of course you guys can stay.One or two more people will have to sleep in the same room but I know I have spare mattresses if anyone wants them.Also sorry to hear that tubbo had a panic attack I will get the bedrooms all ready,have a safe and good flight and we will talk more about the whole Tommy situation later. :)

I really wanted to drive to Tommy's house but techno said that wouldn't be a good idea.I tried calling the police but they didn't believe me since I was young and "dumb" and thought it was a prank call.Which makes me so angry.I quickly eat my sandwich and go into my kitchen to place my plate in the sink.I walk back upstairs and get the bedrooms ready.

Nobody's POV:

As Wilbur got the bedrooms ready he went and had a shower to freshen up and went to bed.Techno,phill,tubbo,dream and George were around 2 hours off from landing and they were all asleep.Most of them hadn't got slot of sleep before this because of stress,so hours of sleep was definitely needed.As Wilbur went to bed he looked through his hone at old photos of him and Tommy and cried,how he wished he could be with Tommy right now.As he cried he held his phone to his chest and fell asleep.

2 hours later:

The flight had landed and the team got off and walked into the airport it was 5 in the morning so they decided to message Wilbur that they were getting a Uber to his house and to be awake.

This was the start of the fight for Tommy...


Ayup so I will most likely do a chapter either tonight or tomorrow so look out for that.
Anyway have a good day/night,
Remember your amazing,you got this and I love you :)
Also just so you know I don't re-read these so there might be spelling mistakes so I'm sorry about that just try not to get annoyed by them. :)


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