Part 13:long road ahead:

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Tw:⚠️crying,heart stopping,⚠️:Tw
A lot of crying in this one :(

Dreams POV:
I think the hardest part of this experience with saving Tommy was finally getting him into our arms for him only be taken away.The ambulance arrived and came flying into the house.Techno had made his way up the basement to the house part where the paramedics rushed to him.Techno snarled at them but eventually gave Tommy to them.We all just stood there,processing what had happened and the fact that we saved Tommy.....HOLY SHIT!

Wilburs POV:
These past days have been shit,in fact these past 2 weeks have been terrible.No sleep,stress that makes you so sick,not eating due to feeling sick and the sadness.We thought we could have lost Tommy and even though we had to him back he still was hanging on by a thread.

Tubbo's POV:
I couldn't tell when I found Tommy what injuries he had.Yes I could see all the stab wounds that were all over his toro,arms etc but that was just the outsider  damage..not the inside.When I picked Tommy up into my arms,he was so light and when I held him close to me,I could feel each rib and his hip bones digging into me.It was worse when you looked at him.The wound on his stomach was horrific.It was definitely infected and was deep.The one on his wasn't as infected since it must have only just been done but it was so deep.Luckily from what little work I had learnt in school on wounds and what not,it wasn't in his heart.It was close but wasn't in his heart.Which gave me some hope.The biggest problem is the wounds and the infections.When you are as weak as tommy is,getting an serious infection would most likely be the death of you.I really want my Tommy to be ok but only time will tell....

Phil's POV:
Tommy is like as son to me.So seeing his lifeless body on the floor with techno trying to bring him back to life was horrific.It crushed me.All I could think about was how the happy,cheery,out going boy would now be dead.When he shot up and gasped for air I think my heart and brain just died.Now seeing him bee taken away in an ambulance with wires being rapidly put on him and seeing the heart monitor pick up a very slow heart beat made me go back to that soul crushing feeling.As we all started moving around one of the paramedics came in and quickly told us that one person could come with but the others had to drive.Everyone looked at me and gave a sympathetic smile.Tommy had called me his 'dad' for a while so if it gave him any comfort having a 'parental figure' by him that I would definitely be there.The Paramedics told the group what hospital they were going to and I was rushed into the back of the ambulance.I sat in a chair by the end of the stretcher that Tommy was on and put my head in my hands.Everything was happening so quickly but yet felt so slow.Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion.I watched as the heart monitor went blank and the paramedics rushed over trying to revive him.I just stared numbly.A few seconds went by and brain finally processed what was happening and I started sobbing.I really just wanted Tommy to open his eyes...or for his heart to beat again.I just curled up on myself and let my mind tune out.


My mind was yelling at me,yelling no over and over agian.As I was locked in my mind I felt shoulder get shaken which instantly snapped me out of it.

"Hey.Tommy's gonna be ok.He's heart is beating"said a kind paramedic,

I shakily looked over at Tommy's bed and saw his chest moving,even better his heart was beating.I smiled at him and the nurse before laying back in my seat leaning in the wall shutting my eyes.

Please when I wake up let Tommy be alive.....

George's POV:
As the ambulance drove down the path we rushed to the car.I sat in the with Dream and as the shock. Finally kicked in I started crying.Dream noticed and wrapped his arms around me,moving me into his lap.I cried into his chest,I was so scared for Tommy.As I started calming down I looked up and saw that we we isn't outside of the hospital.

Techno's POV:
As pulled up in a hospital car park and we all rushed out,The adrenaline of what had happened in the past 20 minutes was still pumping through me.I knew eventually it would die down but I was taking it for granted.We sped through the entrance doors and ran up to the front counter.

"Hey what can I help you with"the kind worker said lifting her eyes up from her computer.

"Hi um where here for Tommy....tommyinnit"I said looking back as the group made there was over to me.

"I'll see where he is,go take a seat over there k"she said pointing to a waiting room.

Ugh waiting rooms.

In every hospital movie the waiting room seems horrible.Of course I've never been in a waiting room to know how it truly is but it couldn't be that bad....right.

As we moved over there I sat down and sighed.The adrenaline slowly started wearing off and I sat back.I could feel a tear go down my face.The realisation that Tommy might still die sat in and I couldn't hold it anymore.I broke down.I felt Wilbur sit down next to me and hug me.After time I sat back up and saw Dream and George hugging while George was crying,Wilbur and tubbo were comforting each other while also comforting me.Soon the lady came over and kneeled down to my level.

"Hey so Tommy is in surgery,he probably won't get out for another 8 hours so please if you have somewhere to stay I recommend going there,the most I can tell you about Tommy's situation is that he is stable but is getting worse by the minute.But don't give up,he will be ok"she gave me a soft smile and walked off back over to her desk.

I sighed and everyone just stayed put.We weren't leaving Tommy's side.No matter if it meant we wouldn't get a good night sleep.In saw phil walking over to us and ingulf me in a hug,I heard Phil start to cry.Instead of it just being me and Phil in a hug I pulled everyone into a group hug and we cried.

Now we wait.........


Hello guys!A bit of a smaller chapter but there will be a part 2 to long road ahead most likely sometime this week.Take care lovely's :D

Remember your amazing,you got this and I LOVE YOU!


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