Part 26:Numb:

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I love this photo so much 😫😫

Tw:⚠️Intrusive thoughts,insanity, death threats, mentions of beating:⚠️Tw

Tommy's POV:

You would think after everything I've been through that I would be smarter, that I wouldn't fall into stupid traps and what not.But yet here I am.




In pain,

I felt numb..

Something I hadn't felt in so long and was so scared about feeling agian...

You know after Being told that i can brake the cycle of family truama, I never once questioned why my grandfather was doing what he was doing.Now I know it's not healthy to take your pain out on people not matter what it is, but I can't help but not feel a tiny bit of pity for my grandfather because either he started it, or he had to experience it.

So as my not so bright eyes looked into the cold eyes of his,

I felt nothing but pity....

"Hello Tommy"

No reply.

"Wow the once cocky boy Doesn't want to talk does he"I'm grandfather said smirking.

Still I gave him no reply,

He's smirk fell of his face and was replaced with a mad one.

Though I had seen it plenty of times before, it was the one thing the made me slightly scared.

"You deserve to die, and no one is going to stop me from finishing the deed."

I didn't even blink.

The normal beating happened, he would yell like a mad man and pull a old box out,A box that looked oh so familiar,He would talk to himself, like there was someone there and would pull out weapons and laugh, laugh and laugh while my soul was slowly torun apart more and more and when he was satisfied he would wipe the blood up and would tighten the restraints.

Every time..

And when I showed no emotion or anything this time he was fed up.

He scoffed and shoved my body back into the wall with a thud causing most of the wind out of my lungs to escape.

Yet I didn't make a sound.

He turned around and walked back up the basement stairs, taking the only light source with him with came from the door.

My arms where tired from being tied to the wall in metal restraints, my legs where tired from the kicking I would do when I first thought I could fight, my body was tired from fighting,

I was tired and I knew that no matter what,

I would lose...

Wilbur's POV:
I knew that it was possible that Tommy would be busy and wouldn't get back to me till after Christmas, that was fine.But when he didn't respond to me to even tell me he got safe I felt scared.Though everyone was telling me that it was nothing and he was probably having fun and forgot, and that now I need to focus on myself.But honestly how can I.

I felt no joy at Christmas,

No joy when we went to Disney,

No joy even when I was playing music, the one thing I started to pick up agian.

All I wanted is for Tommy to be in my arms,

For my baby brother to be home....

So when i was laying in bed drowning in thoughts and I heard my phone go off with a text from a random number, I couldn't help but wonder...

Was It tommy?......

Tommy's POV:
"Here tommy" my grandmother said comming down the stairs quietly with a small tray of food.
My dull eyes slowly moved to look up at hers.Her eyes were filled with panic and sorrow but yet I showed no emotion.

She sighed and put the tray down.

"Tommy I'm so sorry"she said kneeling down.

"After generations and generations of abusive men, your grandfather always said he would brake it, he made a promise to me, to never hurt our kids, grandchildren or anyone for a fact"

"But once I told him we were having kids as I was pregnant, the loving man I once new changed"

"Constantly panicking about him being a bad father, always wondering if he was doing things right, that paranoia mixed with anger issues started to eat away at him and that's when his first start of abuse started."

"Right before the 3 month mark of me being pregnant he was sent away on a trip, with his friends to clear his head,"

"All of his friends were killed infront of him"
"Once he came back he was never the same, he was going crazy"

I frowned slightly at her words, so maybe there's more to him..

"I told him he should visit a doctor, one that could help his anxiety and fix his trauma, but all he would do is curse and swear at me, saying that "they would call him crazy" or that "he isn't a human no more and they would lock him up".

"Obviously I was scared, he was going insane but I couldn't convince him.Eventually I had enough and I yelled back at him.Saying things I shouldn't have."

'Well what I said must have clicked something in his Brain and before you knew it he was doing what he's doing to you.I was pregnant as well with your father, and he told me that if I wanted to live that I had to turn cold and be a horrible parent because he had "given up on that dream" and I must turn to his ways"

"Your father never found out about it though, none of them did, So as much as I hated every part of it, I kept on going so one day I could leave with my children so I could explain everything.But if I ever argued with him, he would threaten to kill them or me."

"He would leave John with the rest of his siblings and would bring me out so he could "show them what a perfect life looks like with no kids".

"He was insane."

"So Tommy i will try everything in my power to get you out because you deserve better and I know you and your father might never forgive me but I would atleast like to do one last thing while I can."

She pulled out a old phone and slid it under a bundle of old sheets that were covered in my blood.

My eyes lit up and I finally felt something.

She put her warm hand on my cheek and I melted into the touch feeling a tear run down my face,

"Your gonna be free tonight tommy"


Ayo short but pretty interesting chapter, sorry it's kinda all over the place, it's 6:33am and I haven't slept so I'm a bit 🤪🤪 but I really hope you like this chapter cause it gave me a very "poetic" LMAO feeling??? (I don't know)

Also my dad has Covid so I'll be home more so maybe more chapters will come out who knows :)

Remember your amazing, you've got this and I love you!! :)


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