Part 30:We miss you:

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Tw:⚠️List of injuries⚠️:Tw

Once agian I found myself sitting in the cold corridor waiting for anything, any news.

I new what ever news I was gonna get it was gonna be bad.

Tommy was in such a bad state, so bad.

His body looked even more fucked then the first time and it was blatantly obvious someone was hurting him.
Why does everyone hurt him?
He's a child.

"Your shaking Wilbur"phill said blandly.

"Sorry" I mumbled looking up at the clock grabbing onto the arm rest of the chair with force.

"This is such a stupid question to ask but......but is he, is h-he gonna be ok?"Tubbo asked looking up at the ceiling.

"Of course not"I chuckled coldly,

"Wilbur!"phil said looking over at me with angry eyes.

"Don't worry tubbo he, he will be...uh- he'll be ok"Dream quickly said sucking in a Breath.

Silence fell over everyone again.

No emotion,

No love.


And as the doors to Tommy's room swung open ,

I knew that the news was gonna be delivered.

Tommy's POV:

Feeling warm arms wrap around me keeping me warm as the cold air blasted around me made me feel safe.

Something about the way my body rested in them made it feel like I had been in them ok.

The words "it's ok" were being said over again as if the person was convincing themselves that it was gonna be ok.

The warm arms where gone and I felt nothing.

I had been through this before,

Nothings new.

I had Wilbur just a arms reach not that long ago and now he's gone.

Everyone I love just leaves.
Clearly I'm doing something wrong.

"Tommy?"I hear a small voice say,


"Hey uh dude"he chuckled.

"So um, here we uh, here we a-are agian."he spoke softly as if his voice would shatter me.

"I know you hate it here, trust me, I hate seeing you like this"

"But I promise once you open your eyes we will take you home and no one will stop that Tommy, no one"A warm hand was placed in mine,

"Please come back to us soon tommy"Tubbos voiced shaked as it grew further away.


"Hey Tommy"


"It's funny to see you here agian."he chuckled

"It's not funny though!"he quickly corrected.

"Just, please open your eyes soon, we all miss you tommy,The worlds really cold without you."

"Oh and btw tommy, your comming home with us this time, this hospital can get fucked if it thinks your not"he spoke and I knew even on his face he would have a smirk.

Wilburs POV:
"I take it you guys are here for Tommy Innit?"he asked looking down at his clipboard.

"Yes"Phil said.

"Right we'll Tommy is in a bad way, his body is 50% covered in 3rd degree burns, meaning we had to do skin grafts, 8 ribs are broken, his arms and legs look like that have force-ably been stretched, he has clear signs of being starved, he has blunt head truama, his right leg is broken and he might have some head trauma."

"Due to the fact that it looks like some of these injuries have been done by someone rather the something, you guys will be taken to the police station for investigation."

"Please can we see him?"tubbo whispered peering into the room.

"I'll only allow three of you in for now and if you guys are aloud you, you might be able to see him in visiting hours"he told us with a sincere look.

"Right thankyou"Dream said turning to walk away.

"The police are at the front of the building so please make your way there"he said turning around walking away.

Everyone looked so tired,

So done of the world treating the youngest of the group like shit.
It wasn't fair.

And as much as we can say how we would love to protect Tommy,it just clearly wouldn't work cause now look where we are.

Walking to people who think we would hurt him.

Tommy's POV:
"Hey Tommy" a somber voice spoke


Oh how I wish I could reach out and hug him.

"I don't even know what to say toms"he sighed.

"But I know one thing,"he said the warm hand I was oh so familiar with being placed in mine.

"we miss you, we all do, everyone is comming to see you tommy,"

"Oh and Tommy" he sniffled.

"I love you"


Didn't re read lol

Hello!Sorry this chapter is small, but guess what, this book maybe has what only 3 more chapters left to it which I'm so fucking sad about.But in saying that, it's good I'll be able to move on to other books and what not once it's done.

A new chapter will be out in the comming week after this one btw!! :)

Take care all and remember,



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