part 12:Im so sorry:

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Tw:⚠️stab wounds,beating,blood,crying⚠️:Tw

Flashback to when tommy ended the call...

Tommy's POV:



"T-tubbo....."i croak out

there was silence.

"t-tommy...?" tubbo stuttered holding back tears.

"TUBBO" i yelled sobbing.

i heard movement from the other side.


I heard people coming over to the phone and crying. I heard wilbur gasp when tubbo said it was me.

"I DONT KNOW" I said my hands shaking.

"Ok....ummmmm don't worry tommy we will find you its ok."

i heard the police saying that they were tracking the phone and to keep me on the phone. I finally felt safe....Until. I heard the front door open. My heart dropped. My body started shaking in fear. I started crying in fear.

"T-tommy what's wrong"

i heard the footsteps come closer to the basement door and i started cursing.

"Fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck,f-fuck"i stuttered on the last word frantically trying to crawl over to my 'bed'.

"TOMMY!WHATS WRONG"I heard techno yell into the phone.

my body froze as i heard the door swing open.

"hes home......."

i quickly ended the call and tried to hide the phone but was to slow.

"well,well,well,what are you doing tommy"my father spoke in a stern tone.

"i-i-i n-nothing"i said curling in on myself.

"what are the rules tommy"my father said slowly walking over to me.

"um-uh not t-to contact a-a-anyone"i said tears slowly going down my face.

"exactly and what do i see in your hand thomas"my father said with a growl.

"a-a p-phone"i said my head dropping down knowing what was comming next.

"remember what the third rule was tommy"my father said grabbing that awful box of tools.

"n-no"i said feeling my heart rate pick up.

"rule number wont be getting out here alive"he said with a evil smirk comming closer.

he grabbed my wrist with force and slammed me into the wall. My head cracking open and what little blood i head left poured out. My dad was laughing while doing so. He then dropped me to the floor and walked over to a corner of the room with i couldn't see. He slowly came back over with a huge butcher knife and baseball bat with a terrifying smile. He started laughing agian and ran at me. Swinging the bat and hitting me in the head. He continued to beat me with the bat until he was satisfied. A huge gash was left on my forehead with blood pouring out of it. He grabbed the knife and once again started stabbing me. He lifted my face up with his other hand and starred right into my eyes.

"Bye bye tommy"he said lifting his hand with the knife up.

before i could even think about what was going to happen a knife was ploughed into my chest. I let out a horrific scream in pain. My dad laughed and shoved my body to the floor. i started coughing up blood.I could feel the warmth of my blood leaving my body.I started shivering and as i felt my eyes slowly close i could see my dad walking back over smiling.

once i was almost unconscious my dad pulled my bloody,broken body into a old dirty bathroom.He was about to lock it when he heard the front door get kicked in.He ran back over to the tools and weapons he used and tried to hide them.I knew it was them and in one final breath i started crying,as loudly as i could to get there attention. My breath finally ran out and i passed out.

All i could see was light.It was blinding me but yet it felt so warm like its arms were opening giving me a hug which i so desperately needed. I felt my body slowly gain consciousness and i slowly opened my eyes.

There i saw my mum.She was making her famous pumpkin soup which i would kill to eat agian.She was listening to music and laughing.Tears poured down my face as i ran up to her and tackled her in a hug.

"tommy..?"she said confusion layed in her voice.

"m-mum"i said sobbing into her chest.

"t-tommy what are you doing here"she said stroking my head carefully.

"i-i......i m-must of died."i said my grip on my mum getting tighter.

"oh......t-tommy"my mum said shoving her head in my hair and bringing us down to the floor.

minutes passed and i was finally calmed down.I layed my head in my mums lap and she was humming softly.

"Tommy"She said looking down at me.

"yea"i said sniffling.

"tommy it isnt your time to go yet.You still have people that want you tommy......that need you."

i sat up straight and looked at her confused.

"look"she sighed and came closer to me.

she put her cupped hands out and a glowing orb formed.I was mesmerised.Soon the orb cleared up and i could see the bathroom.I let out a gasp as i saw my friends sobbing over my body and technoblade doing cpr.Everyone looked so broken.

"tommy i know your scared but tommy they need you,i know who they are tommy they will protect you"

i looked up at my mum tears welling up in my eyes.

"b-but i dont want to leave yo-u"i said looking down crying.

"i know baby but im im always have so much life left living tommy"she said grabbing my face and putting our foreheads together.

"i-i love you mum"i said putting my hands on her's.

"i love you to tommy..remember everytime you are living i am with you.....loving you.Be safe tommy"she said in a soft voice.

i felt the warmth leave and before i knew it everything was dark.I layed there for a few seconds before i felt my body start to fall.

i was comming back home.

i felt my body jolt and my eyes shoot open.I started gasping for air as i held onto technos shirt.I felt arms lift my up into there embrace.I heard soft words get spoken and cries of joy.I felt hands rubbing my head.I looked over at who was holding my body crying.Techno made eye contact with me and he smiled.I looked up at tubbo to see he was the one rubbing my head.Everyone was now over with me crying tears of joy.For the first time in a while i felt ok.i felt safe.


i started coughing.Blood dripping down my chin.I felt my airways start to close.I felt techno stand up still carrying me and everyone yelling.I felt my body growing limp as i started up at techno i smiled.

"T-techno"my voice cracked

"yes tommy"he said looking down at me tears welling up in his eyes.

"T-tell everyone i love them.......ok?"

i slowly started closing my eyes.I heard techno let out a sob before he spoke.

"ok.....ok mate its ok just dont go on us yet.....we need you...."

i my eyes finally closed and as my body was consumed my sleep i heard techno say,

"i need you"


Hello!Sorry this took a while to come out I get distracted so easily and completely forgot to write this lol.Anyway hopefully you like it!

Remember your amazing,you got this and I love you!

~lapislas4367 :D

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