Part 2:chat:

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No trigger warnings from what I can tell but plz tell me if there is :)


As tommy woke up the same gut feeling was still there.Today Tommy was just staying home since the school had be closed after a tree blew down into the school and many more we threatening to fall.Tommy sighed and got up and walked down stairs tiredly he felt so drained but he didn't know why.As tommy walked into his kitchen and to the sink to get a drink of water the voice in his head started talking.

Check on your mum
Your no longer safe

Tommy was now concerned sure tommy had voices but they were normal and were never like this.Tommy decided to see were his mum was and went into each room looking for her.The last room tommy looked in was her bedroom he knocked.

"Come in" a shaky and tired voice said.

Tommy walked into his mum's room to see her sitting on the edge of her bed holding her phone and silently crying into her arm.Tommy ran up to her and sat next to her hugging her.

"Mum what's wrong"Tommy said concerned

"Your dad" Tommy's Mum said slightly looking a Tommy.

Tommy froze what do you mean by "your dad" Tommy's father wasn't in the picture and hasn't been for 4 years.

"What's wrong with him"

"He's threatening to come and take you"

"WHAT" Tommy yelled

Why on earth would his father now want him.Tommy hadn't talked to his dad in 4 years and was starting to just learn that he didn't need him nor wanted him.

Tommy standed up after a while and walked to his room and flopped on his bed.Tommy felt overwhelmed and normally he would go for a walk somewhere but he didn't really feel safe going out since his dad said he wanted to take him.Tommy sighed, what could he do to keep his mind off it.DISCORD!

Tommy jumped up and rang to his computer and went into discord.So many people where on,'that was weird?' Tommy thought.Normally there would be people but never this amount.Tommy joined and heard a bunch of laughs and conversations going on between different people.Tommy wanted to scare people so he decided to wait till it was a little more quite so he could yell at them.
After about 10 minutes there was only Wilbur,Philza,techno,dream,George,Ranboo and tubbo left.Tommy had got distracted by things on his desk and forgot that he was going to scare them.Tommy realised and unmuted himself and yelled

A bunch of fucks and shits flew got of people's mouths,Tommy laughed,he loved scaring people.

Eventually everyone calmed down and said hi to Tommy.They started talking and Tommy forgot all about his problems and had fun talking to them.Tubbo went to school with Tommy,so they were talking about the tree was going to fall and were and were they wanted trees to fall.Tommy had forgotten the time and looked up it was 2:00pm, how the actual fuck was it 2:00 already.Tommy quickly said goodbye to everyone and went downstairs to eat since he hadn't eaten anything at all today and was starving.

As tommy walked down a panic feeling grew over him.he was starting to think of what might happen if his father found him,maybe he had changed but Tommy doubted that.As tommy walked down stairs his mum was on the couch reading a book,she looked better then before but Tommy could sense her stress.
As tommy made a sandwich and sat on the couch and ate it,he thought,
Why did his father want him
Why was Tommy so scared of him he wasn't 12 anymore he was stronger and could hopefully defend himself.

As tommy was lost in thought.Soon tommy realised he had to go to do something to distract himself so he cleaned up his plate and went upstairs to stream.
"HELLO CHAT"tommy yelled
Tommy went onto discord and started talking to them.He felt happier and calmer.

As tommy said goodbye to his stream he still stayed on call.Tommy felt happy and as the day was comming to a close tommy realised that everything was fine and that he was going to be ok....But was it really?


Hi!so this chapters shorter and yes I left it in a cliffhanger cause I can,but I might do the other one tonight but if not I will most likely do one tomorrow:)

Remember I love you and I'm proud of you,You GOT THIS!!!

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