Part 21:All i want:

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Tw:⚠️Very angsty,crying,panic attacks,flashbacks,funerals?⚠️Tw:

My grandparents.

Those old cows.

Not from my mothers side......but my fathers.
From what I heard from my mum and other people who knew them was that they were horrible people.They forced my dad to take care of his younger siblings and when he fought back they kicked him out.As much as I hate my dad, it still wasn't fair and probably made what he did happen more.The fact that they gave birth to a monster of a child only to raise him into a horrible human made my stomach churn.

I felt numb,my breath halted as I slowly turned my head down to wilbur.He looked up at me confused and slightly concerned due to my facial expressions.

"Tommy" the nurse said comming over and sitting on the bed next to me.

"We tried to contact any of your other family members but it seems none of the can or can afford to take you in buddy,We contacted your grandparents here and they said they would happily take you in."

I felt my body tremble as I looked over at them.

My grandmothers sickly sweet face,That would soon turn sour as soon as no one was around.

My grandfather,The exact image of my dad but older,He looked angry and I felt myself slightly panicking.

He looked so much like him.

I saw my grandfather looking at me dead in the eyes before he rolled his eyes and took a step forward raising his hand.

All I saw was my father.Flashbacks of him beating and hurting me,telling me how I was worthless and stupid,how I shouldnt be here,that I was causing all the problems in his life.I gasped and threw my hands infront of my face.All I could see was his face and the room getting darker and smaller.I couldn't see Wilbur frantically getting of the floor to calm me down, or the nurse Ushering my grandparents out of the room.I could feel my heartbeat in my own ears as the beating filled my head.The flashbacks kept on comming and I frantically tried to ground myself.I didn't know if I was safe or not but I had worked so hard to stay alive that I wasn't gonna die due to a panic attack.I grabbed at my shirt digging my nails into my chest.Sweat was flying off my face as I let out strangled breaths. Sputtering here and there as I tried to breath.Tears we're pouring down my face and I was thrashing around.I felt arms around my waist and I screamed.

No no no No NO NO NO NO, it can't be him it can't be it can't be it can't be it can't be it can't be-

*if you like, play the song 'you are my sunshine' by Christina Perri*

"Y-you are my sunshine"

"My only sunshine"

You make m-me happy when skies are grey"

I froze,that didn't sound like my dad...

"You'll never know dear"

"How m-much I love you"

"please don't take my sunshine away."

That voice....I could recognise it from anywhere.


My eyes shot open as I looked around the room.My head spun and my chest hurt but my main focus was finding Wilbur.

My safe person.

The person who saved me when I thought I was gonna die.

The person who sung to me every night when I was in a coma.

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