Part 33:If Only You Cared:

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This is it, the end.

Tommy could have never imagined...

He would be here...



But yet he was sitting with Wilbur.

Head up high.

He had never felt more confident.

"Mr Tommy, you may tell your part"The judge spoke.

"You've got this toms"Wilburs honey warm voice sung.

Tommy wasn't scared.

Not anymore.

He had all the evidence to put this bastard in prison, for good.


"You never cared.Sure. Maybe you had a slight bit of love for me in the beginning.But you never truly loved me.You don't deserve life. You sucked that away from mum, Tried to suck that away from me.But you couldn't,"

"Did Mr John ever hurt you tommy?"

"Plenty of times"Tommy chuckled,

Finally he would be the one laughing.

"If it wasn't enough evidence that he hurt me from the scars, all over, then online can prove it all"

The video.

Tommy hadn't watched it, he didn't want to watch it.Not to hear his cries, or his friends scream in fear,

But Tommy watched it.

He slowly felt the chains around his ankles get tighter.

Looking at the courts faces, pale, shocked, disgusted.

And John, tommy had never seen him so quiet, so Quilty.

Tommy almost felt bad,


"Tommy, did John ever hurt your mum?"

Tommy wasn't just fighting for himself. He was fighting for his mum.

"Of course, she's dead cause of him, he never loved her, he never cared,"

A reoccurring sentence tommy was saying. "He never cared" Tommy knew at some point in his dads miserable life he might have had a slither of care, but that was a slither, a crack, nothing,

"Okay thankyou Tommy, you may sit now"

Tommy wanted to argue, he wanted to yell everything, tell the room what a awful man his father was.

But Tommy knew that he was gonna win, so leaving a lasting blow would make everything ok.

"John you may now defend yourself."

Tommy didn't listen, his eyes focusing on the man, the shell of the dad tommy once knew. Tommy didn't wanna say it, but he missed his 'dad'.He missed the old dad. Though not much better. He was still a 'dad' and tommy still appreciated the time he did spend with his father.

But that man was no longer Tommy's father.

Though through blood, That was Tommy's dad, and tommy was his son. He wasn't family. Tommy knew who his family was.

Looking over Tommy smiled.


A man who though seamed like a person you could I crack easily, is as tough as nails.Tommy couldn't thank Dream for all the things he did.When Tommy was conscious and when he wasn't, Dream always had his back. And when Tommy was awake, Dream always made things fun, Always putting a smile on the scarred boys face.Dream never once lost his love for fun, Tommy would always admire that.

"If only you cared" (tommyinnit angst)Where stories live. Discover now