Part 9:hold on part 5:

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Tw:⚠️blood,crying,mentions of death,intrusive thoughts,painkillers?⚠️:Tw


Nobody's POV:
As the boys traveled to Tommy's house tommy had just sent tubbo his final goodbyes.Tommy sighed and layed his head down on the tiles.His vision started to go blurry and he passed out.

2 hours later......

Wilburs POV:
We had 3 hours left till we got to Tommy's house.Everyone was getting more anxious.We did know what we were going to find.The scariest part was we didn't know If it was just Tommy and his dad in that house.As I was sucked into my thoughts I heard small talk from Dream and techno.

"I'm going to fucking kill that man when I see him,IM GOING TO KILL HIM"dream screamed.
"Same here,Im going to smash his brains in"techno said with an evil smirk.

I sighed,everyone was going through grief.Even though Tommy didn't die or at least we hope not,we are still grieving.The five stages of grief are denial,anger,bargaining(what if-ing),depression and acceptance.At the moment a lot of us were in denial and angry.I was still in shock.Tommy had been acting more different but not by much.He seemed to be stuck in his thoughts a lot but I suppose sometimes we can all get sucked in but what if I asked Tommy if he was ok?what if I did travel without everyone and help him?what if I'm the reason he's dead?!
I started asking myself all these what if questions that I didn't even realised that everyone was talking to me.

Nobody's POV:
"Wilbur"tubbo said
"Wilbur"he said louder
"WILBUR"he shouted.

"I-uh yea"Wilbur said startled.
"Sorry for yelling but we need to eat something what do you want?"
"I-I'll just have a cheeseburger"
"Ok well good thing we're going to Mc Donald's"

Tubbo turned back around.Wilbur looked behind him to see how dream and George were.They were both asleep Dream still looking pissed.George had his arms wrapped around dreams head and dreams head on George's chest.It looked like George was trying to calm him down.When Wilbur look more closer and dreams face he saw tear marks down his face.He must of been crying and George calmed him down.Wilbur turned back around and looked at phill and techno.Philza had a very serious face but at the same time a calm face.Phill was probably the only one that was gonna have to pull everyone of of Tommy's dad so that way they didn't end up in jail for murder.Will then looked over at techno.Techno had his arm on the door and he had his head in his palm.He looked like he was thinking.Probably on a way to kill Tommy's dad and get rid of the body without any suspicious activity.Wilbur then looked over at tubbo.He was scrolling through his phone looking at old photos of him and Tommy.Most of them were photos of when Tommy had stolen Tubbos phone and had taken the photos.Tubbo had a sad smile.I felt bad,no 16 year old should have to see there friend almost die

Ok quick thing I'm pretty sure I forgot to mention the ages of everyone in this book so here they are:

Tommy's dad:
Tommy's Mum:
16(he's 5 months older)
24(the oldest person who is 24)

Ok back to the book:!

About half and hour had past and everyone had gotten there food and eaten it.They now had 2 and half hours till they got to Tommy's house.When they got into London Wilbur would swap spots with techno since techno was now driving.Most people were asleep or trying to distract themselves.

Dream and George were cuddling.phill was asleep.Tubbo had his ear phones in and was dozing off.Techno was driving and humming to music quietly and Wilbur was just staring out of the window.Even though will was tired he couldn't sleep.He had struggled with his thoughts for most of his life but whenever bad things happen they get so much worse to the point we're he can't sleep for days unless he takes a lot of sleeping pills.
Techno looked in the rear vision mirror and saw everyone asleep apart from Wilbur.
"Not tired"he said
"What-I uh yea I suppose"will said looking over at techno.
"What's on your mind"techno said looking back on the road.
"I dunno I suppose I'm just scared to see what will happen with Tommy"
"Yea that's understandable,but you've been very well....stuck in thought,not that that's a bad thing especially with what has been happening but you sure it's not anything else"techno said looking back at Wilbur dead in the eyes for a second before looking back to the road.
"I guess I've been struggling with voices"wilbur said fiddling with his thumbs
"What are the voices like"techno asked
"Well they fill your know when you have headphones in and all you can really hear is the music well that's what it's like with the voices.They often are quiet at first but then turn to yelling at me.They get much louder and it's my voice.Often I get sucked in to hearing them and it's hard to hear other people talking.I've been trying strategy's but none of them are working.The only one that's seems to work is when I tell it all to someone.It sort of works if I write it down I'm a journal but saying out loud helps,but I-um sorry"
"Hey don't be sorry Wilbur,I'm glad you opened up to me.I struggle with voices sometimes to so I can see we're your comming from.Don't be afraid to talk to me Wilbur I'll always listen".
"Thank you techno *yawn* I really needed to hear that"
"No problem you should probably head to sleep."

2 hours and 15 minutes later.....

Wilbur was now driving.Then stopped right when they got into London so that way Wilbur could drive to Tommy's house.Everyone was awake and ready.Tubbo had the task of as soon as they get there to call the police and ambulance.See Wilbur was not sure if this was Tommy's house so they didn't want to barge in with police but when Wilbur was scrolling through his phone he saw a message between him and Tommy about his home and when Wilbur was going to meet up with Tommy for the first time.Dream had the food and water and blankets so did George.they we're going to give Tommy food cause they doubted that he would have eaten anything recently.Techno and techno had first aid kits.They were about 2 minutes to Tommy's house.As soon as they got there they didn't even think about stopping the car they all jumped out and rang up to the door.Wilbur started kicking it and then techno came in and yeeted the door down.

"Where is he"Wilbur said running in and running through every room.
"I don't fucking know"techno said running around.
Everyone was running around.Techno,tubbo and Wilbur went up stairs.while Dream,George and phill stayed downstairs.So far they hadn't seen Tommy's dad nor Tommy.Everyone was ripping stuff open and knocking things down to find tommy or anything really.The police and ambulance were about 20 minutes away so they had to act fast if they wanted to help tommy.Tubbo ran into the bathroom and saw nothing but blood.Tears escaped his eyes as he looked around.There was a Puddle of blood on the floor,painkillers,towels,bandges and more that tommy had used to try and heal his wounds.Tubbo dropped to his knees.There was so much blood not one thing didn't have blood on it.While tubbo was in the bathroom Wilbur ran into Tommy's room.Yet agian there was blood everywhere.techno walked into the room and gasped.Agian not one thing didn't have blood on it.Techno instantly rumaged through Tommy's draws and bed.Wilbur walked over to Tommy's desk were he saw his phone with the message he sent tubbo still on the screen.Tears filled Wilburs eyes and he read it.He quickly wiped them away and continued on.After about 5 minutes everyone was upstairs checking every room.The one thing they hadn't checked was the closet.Tubbo walked over to it and pulled open the door.yet agian so much blood but this time there was a piece of paper.Tubbo picked it up and gasped

Dear Tommy's friends,

You think you were so smart,so smart on trying to become the hero's but I'm afraid you won't get your happy ever after.

He gone.......


Oooooooo I really like this chapter.Hopefully it doesn't look/feel rushed but I'm writing this with my 2-3 hour sleep deprived self so yea!Also sorry for like dying for a while I haven't had motivation but I'm starting to get it back so hopefully there will be more chapters I might even have a new book coming out *wink *wink anyway.....

Remember your amazing,you've got this and I love you✨✨


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